Ugly shadows in HTML5 build

Hi all, I have build a project in HTML5 with UE 4.23

In the viewport with preview shader Model 5 I get good results, but in the HTML viewport (and also in the build) I get blubby shadows. I played a lot with all the linear-light settings (Sun in the scene) but can’t get rid of this ugly shadow parts.

Which settings can I try to set more properly of what is the workaround?
I understand HTML-5 has it’s limitations, but maybe there is some minor tweaking for the light to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance!

ehh… is that light realtime? it looks like you could rotate it around it’s local z axis to align the shadow map pixels with the lines of the geo you have there. just spitballing

Thanks for the quick reply!

Yes the light is adjustable with a slider (times of the day from 8 am till 8 pm.)
Is that what you mean with realtime?

So the plates you see are grabable actors who can be placed against a wall.

So aligning will be difficult I guess?