UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel Loads only one level

Im new to c++ so i tried to make a simple Random Rooms spawner using Level Streaming but when i actually start it only streams one room. I tried puting breakpoint and saw that both levels feed into loop so there’s should be two. Am i doing something wrong?

	int32 ZoneOneInt = Stream.RandHelper(ZoneOne.Num());
	int32 ZoneTwoInt = Stream.RandHelper(ZoneTwo.Num());

	FName ZoneOneToLoad = ZoneOne[ZoneOneInt];
	FName ZoneTwoToLoad = ZoneTwo[ZoneTwoInt];

	TArray<FName> ZonesToLoad;


	FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;

	for (auto& i : ZonesToLoad)
		UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel(this, i, true, true, LatentInfo);

I’ve tried to increment uuid by putting it in another loop, still didn’t work.

	for (auto& i : ZonesToLoad)
		for (int32 u = 0; u < ZonesToLoad.Num(); u++)
			FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;
			LatentInfo.UUID = u;
			UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel(this, i, true, true, LatentInfo);

End up working like this.

	for (int32 i=0; i< ZonesToLoad.Num(); i++)
		FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;
		LatentInfo.UUID = i;
		UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel(this, ZonesToLoad[i], true, true,	LatentInfo);

Still have a long way to go i guess