UFUNCTION Custom Parameter Names

Is it possible to specify a custom name for a parameter of a UFUNCTION that is exposed to Blueprint? For example, if I had the following function.

static void SetMyInt(int32 MyInt);

In Blueprint, this will come out with a node that has an input pin named MyInt. But what if I want that input pin to have a different name in Blueprint? Say I want it to be called MyGreatInt, but I don’t want to change it in the actual C++ function itself. Is there some sort of meta specifier to do this?

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Hey -

There is a macro you can use to change the display name of your parameter for the blueprint. Using your example, using SetMyInt(UPARAM(DisplayName = "NameToBeDisplayed") int32 MyInt); will allow you to see the desired display name in the blueprint and still use MyInt in code.
