Error C2511 ‘bool UToolTipDesign::SetToolTipTextDesign(const FText &)’: overloaded member function not found in ‘UToolTipDesign’
Error C2352 ‘UObject::FindFunctionChecked’: illegal call of non-static member function
When I remove “UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category = “ToolTip”)” the build errors go away however I an unable to override the function in blueprints.
For BlueprintNativeEvent, and others, the UHT generates code that implements SetToolTipTextDesign (because it needs to call blueprint), which calls the SetToolTipTextDesign_Implementation that you need to implement.
I also changed the FText parameters to const FText& (as it is best practice in c++), because the UHT seems to enforce this, and does not allow the FText by copy parameter.
Note that const reference and copy are semantically the same, const ref is usually faster.
Yes, you are right, you need to use const FText& ToolTip instead of FText ToolTip Seems that the UHT enforces this, which I did not know. Updating the answer.