UFUNCTION Blueprint callable - Error missing variable name


I get that error when I compile this code:


UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Power)
void CreateNewPhysicsConstraintBetween(AStaticMeshActor*, AStaticMeshActor*);

The code compile perfectly when I not use the UFUNCTION.

This is the error:

Error D:/Mis documentos/Unreal Projects/_C++/AmazingVR/Source/AmazingVR/AmazingVRCharacter.h(69)  : Missing variable name

Anyone knows what happened?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there!

Have you tried this?

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Power)
void CreateNewPhysicsConstraintBetween(AStaticMeshActor* Actor1, AStaticMeshActor* Actor2);



Yes! It works. Thanks!