UEFN Tracker device Bug?

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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



The problem with the tracker device is that when the first tracker is complete suddenly, the second tracker should only be assigned when the second tracker completion checkmark appears. and it is only happening on HUD without affecting the real tracker target. it means the tracker is not complete but on HUD it mistakenly shows that the tracker is complete while it is not.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add 1st tracker device and set the stat to track to the event.
  2. Set the target value to 1 and the start value to 0.
  3. Add a conditional button that increments the tracker when activated.
  4. Add the 2nd tracker device and set it to assign when the 1st tracker is complete.
  5. on both tracker set team index to 1.

Expected Result

after the first tracker is completed the second tracker should start and wait to be completed

Observed Result

the second tracker is not working correctly and only on HUD it shows it is completed but that is not true and the tracker still needs to be completed



I have video of this happing to me in my test map. Lets hope they can get this fix soon.


The status of FORT-735301 incident has been moved from ‘In Testing’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

This seems to be because of copy and pasting the first tracker device and altering the settings for the second device. I was running into the same issue and when I recreated the tracker from scratch, instead of copy and pasting, it seems to be resolved.

----- Updated -----
So after some additional testing, I think this is just a bug when launching a session where some persistence seems to happen. When I launched a fresh session things seemed to work appropriately.


The bug is still not fixed.
You can workaround it by disabling “tracker completion ceremony”.
But I hope it will be fully fixed

Bumping this, disabling “tracker completion ceremony” makes it at least function, but this shouldn’t be the solution

i had the same issue i turned of the completion ceremony and it stopped the glitch

Mine seem to function, but I use each trackers reset function to reset off thier own completion event too.
I found the trackers wouldn’t pingpong because the used tracker need resetting so it can have another completion event, otherwise it gets assigned as already completed.

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Yes, for me due to copy and pasting the first tracker device and altering the settings for the second device, the problem occurred i tried many ways but no solution.

The Following Solution worked for me :
As of 19-11-2024 you need to delete all the tracker devices(by taking screenshots if they are involved as Function or Event for other device , i mean screenshot to refer while reusing them with same settings in future) and restart UEFN and Fortnite and even Epic Launcher (for fresh start) .But , remember never copy and pasting the first tracker device and altering the settings for the second device in future until epic fix this . Hope Epic Games Fixes this soon.

Thank You.

This issue is still current today.

hello !
I’m making a system to choose between murder, murderer and innocent, but it seems like I never get around to giving the gun to the sheriff… I’ve been asking this for days and no one helps me…

using { /Fortnite.com/Characters }
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Fortnite.com/Game }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Assets }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }

SeleccionRol := class(creative_device):

    var PlayerMap : [player]SeleccionAsesino = map{}

    @editable var MinimoAleatorio : int = 0
    @editable var MaximoAleatorio : int = 0

    var NumeroAleatorioJugadores : []int = array{}
    var NumeroAleatorioJugadores2 : []int = array{}

    var IndicadorJugadorMurder : int = -1
    var IndicadorJugadorSheriff : int = -1

    @editable  ItemGranterAsesino : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterSheriff : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}
    @editable  ItemGranterInocente : item_granter_device = item_granter_device{}

    @editable  TriggerActivador : trigger_device = trigger_device{}

    OnBegin< override>()<suspends>:void=
        Print("Carga el OnBegin a la espera del activador para SeleccionAsesino")

    ObtenerJugadores(Agent : ?agent):void=
    GenerarNumeros(Players : []player) : void =
        Print("Entro en GenerarNumeros") 
        for(Jugadores : Players):
            set NumeroAleatorioJugadores += array:
                SelectorNumeroAleatorio : int = GetRandomInt(MinimoAleatorio, MaximoAleatorio)


    ElectorMurder(Jugadores : []player) : void =
        Print("Entro en la Funcion ElectorMurder")
        var TemporalAleatorio : int = 0
        Values := for (X : NumeroAleatorioJugadores): 
            if(X >= TemporalAleatorio):
                set IndicadorJugadorMurder += 1
                set TemporalAleatorio = X
                Print("Valor de TemporalAleatorio en ElectorMurder: {TemporalAleatorio}")
                Print("Valor de IndicadorJugadorMurder en ElectorMurder: {IndicadorJugadorMurder}")

        if(IndicadorJugadorMurder <> -1):
            Print("Llego al if que elige al Murder dentro de ElectorMurder")
            if(Player := Jugadores[IndicadorJugadorMurder]):
                Print("Se eligio al murder numero:{IndicadorJugadorMurder}")

    ElectorSheriff(Jugadores : []player) : void =
        Print("Entro en la Funcion ElectorSHERIFF")  
        Print("Vuelvo a generar numeros aleatorios para elegir el sheriff PERO EN OTRA VARIABLE") 

        for(Player : Jugadores):
            set NumeroAleatorioJugadores2 += array:
                SelectorNumeroAleatorio2 : int = GetRandomInt(MinimoAleatorio, MaximoAleatorio)

        var TemporalAleatorio : int = 0
        Values := for (Y : NumeroAleatorioJugadores): 
            if(Y >= TemporalAleatorio):
                set IndicadorJugadorSheriff += 1
                set TemporalAleatorio = Y
                Print("Valor de TemporalAleatorio en ElectorSheriff: {TemporalAleatorio}")
                Print("Valor de IndicadorJugadorSheriff en ElectorSheriff: {IndicadorJugadorSheriff}")

        if(IndicadorJugadorSheriff <> -1 and IndicadorJugadorSheriff <> IndicadorJugadorMurder):
            Print("Llego al if que elige al Sheriff dentro de ElectorSheriff")
            if(Player := Jugadores[IndicadorJugadorSheriff]):
                Print("Se eligio al Sheriff numero:{IndicadorJugadorSheriff}")



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you’re just spamming threads, stop it

I do it because I’ve been asking things for months and no one answers me. I’m starting to think it’s because I’m Spanish and they don’t want to help other communities here. I see it as very unfair when I spend hours and hours doing what I’m doing and my projects are left behind. halfway to the lack of a nonsense. So I’ll keep going until I get an answer.

this place is for reporting bugs

you’re asking for help with your code, go somewhere else