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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Island Settings
Epic Settings in UEFN and in FN look nothing alike if you use the FN TODM. In the example below I turn on fog component in the day sequence device and it produces directional light, which makes no sense. EDIT: This was due to Lumen manager, I removed it now
Environmental Light Rig affects the entire world so you cant have more than one (We cant load different levels, its not a thing)
Day sequence device doesn’t let the player building inside its zone, if it has one
Day sequence device stops working if the player gets eliminated while inside its zones
All these issues create very problematic scenarios and don’t allow us to find a light setup that is stable in UEFN, at all.
Steps to Reproduce
See above
Expected Result
Light settings to work as intended for all platforms
Observed Result
See exaplanations above