(Snownymous (XA / UEFN Alpha Account))
August 10, 2022, 5:36am
I wish the UEFN Output log was mirrored into the Log within Creative Edit. Would make checking for verse errors easier without needing to switch back and forth between UEFN and Creative Edit.
August 10, 2022, 7:32am
I agree, this is something being discussed. It seems similar to this thread:
I’ve been working on a game that relies on the Output Log to function properly. (This is simply because I can’t show variables on the player’s UI or in-game yet). However, even if I could somehow show those variables on their screen, I think it would just be a nice addition if there were some chat log the players could view that shows a simplified version of our printing outputs. It’d show only the things we wish to output to it; Minecraft has a chat log, and so does Roblox, and I understand the…
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