UEFN Retargetting is broken. I used to make custom animations in my maps retargetting Mixamo’s animations, but now it just doesn’t work anymore. First, it is not able to figure the chains automatically, I needed to create an IK rig to to auto create it. But even using an IK Retargeter the result was the same. Only the head moves, and the body remains static.
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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
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Steps to Reproduce
Just try to retarget a mixamo animation to M_Medium_Base or F_Medium_Base skeleton and assign it to a character device added to a level sequencer.
Quite annoying. I am waiting for this fix, like many others, to continue my project. I wish they would acknowledge the issue, of at least provide an update. If we need to believe the bug reporter it’s still in some queue waiting around.
While this has been tricky to reproduce on my end, I found an issue that causes the same problem (only 1 or 2 bones are retargeted). So I believe I have found the problem.
The fix for it has been submitted and will be released in 33.30. Thanks for your patience.
It is still not working after todays update. in the retargeter the animation looks good. but when exported the fn mannequin is just standing still with his head slightly moving
The retargeting process is still broken even after 33.30 update. Not even sure they tried to fix it since there’s nothing in the release notes mentioning it. I tried the workaround but after retargeting only the head moves. Please fix this since it’s quite the bug.
Hi @samjell, We’ve only seen reports of this being fixed, so this is the first time I’ve heard that it hasn’t. We’re preparing the next update for release; if it’s still happening after that, please ping me, and we’ll get someone to take a look.
Thank you. I reopened the thread since I’m facing this exact bug, but it’s possible I’m doing something wrong. I’ll definetely let you know if I’ll find any solution or if the issue is still there after next update.
@Flak Hi, i re-imported the fbx (and updated to 34.00) and everything worked just fine. I tried to re-import before so I’m not quite sure if the fix is related to the update or something else. Anyway, it works