I recon that HLOD will be corrupted now, so each time you try to build and get that error, a new HLOD layer needs to be used by the world settings before the next build
Check-in Changes now and give it a description like Pre HLOD search
Next If you have changed any HLOD settings from devices or landscape, that can affect whether or not it can build, if you have left them default, next step, otherwise set them all to default
Check-in changes again if you had to deal with this
Next select mass bunches of props and systematically uncheck the from HLOD, build HLODs and test to see if that chunk built and launched and hence that chunk has the problem.
Use the check-in changes hiostory to sync back to the last check in and try next chunk of props.
I fixed the walkable thing in the HLODS, I was able to search directly a part of the warning and gave me a selected area, so I manually went through all the actors in that area and just deleted them all lmfao
though when I built the HLODS in a new layer, it still gave me a connection error…
so we know for sure that it has to do with the HLODS… just not sure what is being passed in through the hlods that are causing a connection timeout
I did some more deep diving and what i found out makes me feel literally so dumb.
So the problem never had anything to do with the HLODS or the walkable object thing in the HLODS. I still ran into errors and I think i just got lucky the other day by loading in.
I started syncing into older snapshots and seeing which ones worked and which ones didnt (it was such a tedious process) but I figured out what happened. I had a total of 12 different Level Sequences that I made towards the beginning of the creation of my game. Overtime I didnt use those actors and in a single snapshot i deleted them. For some reason that is the sole reason for why it didnt load…
I deleted those level sequences in an older snapshot which did work, and it just so happened to throw me the exact same error codes as i have been getting.
Do you know how i am able to sync just those level sequences into the current version of my game?
You can go back to an older snapshot and copy stuff, then go to a different snapshot and paste.
Whats holding onto those deleted level sequences ???
I remember once someone had posted troubles with sequences, can’t quite remember the exact details, but it was something to do with an empty sequencer or empty references in the cinematic sequencer device, check your outliner ???
The invalid browser widget, I think are common, I see it lots in log files, it might be able to be ignored
Another timeout error !!, whats the status of the level sequencer in that snapshot ?
I’ve spent some time going back into past snapshots and messing around with past versions. Apparently, there seems to be a limit on the number of vehicles you have in the game… I had over 100 and the game didn’t seem to like that, causing it to time out. It would load me into the session but never connect the editor to the game.
From what I understand, there is a max limit of vehicles that is 100. This is just cars that I know of “nitro drifter” and “sports car”, and I am about to test it with helicopters and planes as well
EDIT: I can confirm this was the problem. I got the number of vehicles in the world below 100 and now the version with all the progress I had works perfectly!
Really Good Work and thanks for the heads up, I think this is very important information you’ve found and will help many people.
The project I’m working on, would probably encounter this issue soon, and it would be the last place I’d think of looking, so many thanks in advance.
Usually too many of a device type and they just start wiggin out, but still let you load a session.