UEFN Session won't load

I think they have moved a lot of stuff server side but haven’t fixed up the local references… or something…

I’ve loaded up all my maps and searched to see if the walkable slope thing is a common warning, but I have none.

It’s also in the HLODlayer, when you replaced your old HLOD did you press Don’t Save ?
If you did then its cause is still there being used by the HLOD layer…

It might not be the issue, but I’m having trouble letting go of it.
At this stage I’m 50% curious why this is happening and 50% want to provide moral support, but 0% know how to properly help…

Have you got bare minimum assets included in the HLOD ?
Whats your actor count, cell size and loading range ?

When i built my HLODS again, I pressed “Don’t Save” I followed your steps word for word, and thought that it would help fix the issue.

Where would I find the “walkable slope” thing? And when I do find it, what should I do with said file?
I’m honestly trying everything and anything that I can that might possibly make a difference lol

I am super curious as for why this is happening to my map, as many of the errors are ones that have been resolved elsewhere with the same solutions that I am trying.

How would I check to see if “bare minimum assets” are included in the HLOD?

I have a pretty large map so I have 22,192 actors;
Cell Size: 10000
Loading Range: 20000
My project size is at 34%- I would perform a memory calculation but I cant get into a live session lol

The walkable slope thing is bizarre, maybe there is one actor in your map that is set to override this ???

Bare minimum is just the things that a player should see from a distance outside the loading range, like external walls and roofs, no little stuff like decor and signposts etc.
I guess if your props are destructible, internal walls would need to be included.

Not too hefty actor count,

I don’t know if it would help, but maybe try cell size 8000 and loading range 8000 just to shake it up ???

Possibly? Is there a certain way really to try to figure out what actor that might be?

Lemme put 8000 for those numbers and we’ll see how that goes

I’m really hoping that all this is a server side issue and they’re able to fix it, though it seems like it’s pretty much just happening for me…

@Flak talked briefly with me in another thread to direct them to this thread, so I am hoping that they will be able to help as well

it looks like now instead of fortnite not loading, UEFN is just crashing now :sob:

this is what the crash report I got:


Fatal error: [File:D:\build\++Fortnite\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 427] 
Illegal call to StaticFindObjectFast() while garbage collecting!


It could just be my pc issue, though I had done this same process the exact same yesterday with no crashse.

I am upgrading my ram up to 32gb with 3600MHZ, and 1tb ssd so i can finally put fortnite and uefn on that lol

Garbage Collection… does that mean this is a verse issue.

When did it crash, on a build ?

Maybe? I’m about to rebuild hlods again but this time i deleted one of the bigger verse files that i have. hopefully this’ll fix the issue with that… I believe it crashed on a build

Though i just realized that in my content drawer that even though i built my new hlods from before, my old hlod default layer is still there- even though i thought that i deleted it? well at least replaced it all in a new hlod. Should I completely delete the older hlods when the newer one is built?

i am also getting a validation error for the walkable slope, though when
i go to press “Fix: Reset Property to Default”, it says that it can’t be found

Build HLOD as the last thing before launch.

If your World Settings is pointing to the new HLOD layer as the default, the old ones may not matter.

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Those validation fix-ups usually don’t stop the session launch and the Run Fix-up doesn’t work until after a memory calc…but they come back a few times then eventually go away

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I am trying to run it on my partner’s computer right now because hers is faster than mine. in the output log, it is getting stuck in the:

LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for 5310375d-41b0-f6ac-4676-f59619b49f67

for like 5-10 minutes and then get the same error as on my pc at home:

LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
LogValkyrie: Error: ProjectSizeRequest::CancelFlow for 5310375d-41b0-f6ac-4676-f59619b49f67 - Invalid signature
LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 30.00, Real: 30.00, Good: 30.00, DriverTime: 577.35, Threshold: 30.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: Name:IpNetDriver_2 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: ValkyrieBeaconClient_2, UniqueId: MCP:2b1ac5a303994708afce2cfef27d3967
LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionTimeout, ErrorString = UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 30.00, Real: 30.00, Good: 30.00, DriverTime: 577.35, Threshold: 30.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: Name:IpNetDriver_2 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: ValkyrieBeaconClient_2, UniqueId: MCP:2b1ac5a303994708afce2cfef27d3967, Driver = Name:IpNetDriver_2 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_2
LogValkyrieRequestManagerEditor: Warning: Encountered Network Error!
LogValkyrieRequestManagerEditor: Error: Failed to handle connection attempt (Network error occurred when connecting to a server after matchmaking completed. Error: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection.. Elapsed: 30.00, Real: 30.00, Good: 30.00, DriverTime: 577.35, Threshold: 30.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: Name:IpNetDriver_2 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: ValkyrieBeaconClient_2, UniqueId: MCP:2b1ac5a303994708afce2cfef27d3967)
LogValkyrieSummary: Destroying Valkyrie Beacon

if that means anything at all…

are you wired or wifi ?

Wifi; both at my partners house and at home

Are you able to use wired ?

I can at my house yes. I could attempt to try that. Would it make a big difference?

I’ve been able to launch the map session a couple months ago perfectly fine on internet

I think it could possibly be a cause, I recon it could be when fortnite servers are a bit overloaded, they let faster connections hook up while the slower ones get timeouts.

Actually I remember here, when we had to wait for the broadband company to hook us up, the router was using wifi to the local tower, I couldn’t get into a launched session until after midnight.

I tried wired connection and that didn’t seem to work either… do you think that I would have to do something with port forwarding at all??

I am not entirely sure though as other maps still load on this computer.

I have a feeling that it might have to do something with the walkable slope thing, though as you said it shouldn’t affect the loading of the game since it is just a warning. I tried to fully delete all my HLODS since the walkable slope is in it, but the warning was still there when I tried to launch the session

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Had to rule out that possibility because of the network connection. I don’t know much about Port Forwarding…
But if other maps load fine, yeah it should be OK…

Had a thought on how to test if it is a HLOD issue or not.
Make a new HLOD layer in the content browser, go to World Settings and change your default HLOD layer to that.
Don’t build HLOD and try to launch.

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I am actually so happy! that ended up working. Apparently those HLODS had something in it that was preventing the session from running?

Though the island memory skyrocketed, so I would like to still build HLODS, should I just redo the process of building HLODS from scratch?

update: i rebuilt hlods as normal onto the new hlod layer, though now I am running into the same issue from before…

so it has something to do with the HLODS, but how do we narrow down what it is inside the assets so I can exclude it from the hlods specifically?