UEFN Map stutters / lags frequently

I’m facing a stuttering problem inside my map. I don’t know what casues it directly, it just started happening slowly and then more frequently, as I added things to the map.

Is anybody facing this issue? I’ve seen it in other maps, like Only up Fortnite (but it was less frequent there) and some others, so I guess that’s a game bug, also because in the creation phase the game is smooth.

Also, I’m not talking about that weird glitch that makes movement super glitchy on some props, not allowing you to go forward and left instead. My problem is like an upload packets loss, like as the server freezees for 0.1/0.2 seconds and then everything goes back to normal. Myabe these 2 problems are linked in some ways (?). My connection is fine and I have 0 packet loss.

I tried disabling streaming, removing some memory (even tho it’s still at 80k (but it should be at 65k, i don’t know why it’s so high) and some other things but nothing works.
May it be too much chests? Or maybe some verse script (I have many but not that heavy)?

I want to fix this ASAP…

@itascreations Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

I’ve already reported this on the bug report form! But I’ve asked because maybe someone here is having this issue and has a possible fix.


‘‘I’m not talking about that weird glitch that makes movement super glitchy on some props, not allowing you to go forward and left instead.’’ im facing that problem, but don’t know how to solve it.

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you need to set all the props meshes to “movable” in order for them to be fixed

The cause of this problem seems to be the guards spawner. By deleting it, the map no longer lags.

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I have the same issue, i created a map and when you log in and start building it lags so bad and after a while it stops and you can play the map with no problem. please help

Have you got a solution for this? Does all the props have to be movable even the ones which are not damageable and don’t change at all?