UEFN Launch Memory Calculation Disabled

Hello, I’m trying to test the memory of a map I worked on, but Launch Memory Calculation is disabled. Is this a bug? Or is it my mistake? Please let me know and thank you.

Hey VisualAmbience,

Launch Memory Calc is usually greyed out until you Launch a play session and have your map open in Fortnite at the same time.

Thank you for your answer. I am opening the map I was working on. I’m trying to perform Launch Memory Calc in this state, but it still appears gray and the button doesn’t click. Thank you.

Oh yeah, I’m just doing one now, you must be in the edit mode, it is grey while in play mode, so hit End Game from UEFN (or ingame Return to Island),
then it should become white and come up with a prompt to create a private upload when clicked.


Thank you It was solved thanks to you!! You are such a wonderful person!!!

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