uefn found disallowed object type

I keep getting errors like the one in the image when launching a session on UEFN. What needs to be done to improve this?

It appears after I imported the landscape material from UE.

Hi @Taku_kood11 please try using this method to determine which actors are causing your issues. You may need to edit or delete the actors causing issues to get around the validation errors. UEFN Validation - #6 by HalcyonKnight96

Thank you for your reply, it was very helpful. I am following the steps as described here, but I am unable to identify the actor that is causing the problem. I am indeed pasting from the output log into the outliner.

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Unfortunately you won’t find it this way that Epic Staff say.

It is usually “components” such as a UE5 blueprint Node.
This disallowed component often won’t show in UEFN’s limited toolset.

Please try to remove the bad components/nodes using UE5.

actually, I just had another look at your disallowed objects, most of those will very clearly show in UEFN Outliner.
(No Search. Sort by Type)

Thank you very much. Your point was right.

As a result of deleting and responding to the error, there is one more error that remains, but I don’t know how to deal with this.

This error occurred when importing level data from UE5.
The second image is the editor image on the UE5 side.

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yes I know which level you are importing from UE5 :wink:
I dont follow the genre but it looks very popular - good luck!

Try in outliner:

It is an error related to the Navigation system, but the problem is that the search does not work.

@Taku_kood11 no search. Sort by “Type”.

Thank you very much for your sincere reply, but I can’t find either UEFN or UE5 level by sorting by “Type”.

Hi , ho to world details there u can find navigation, there are 3 types, but im getting other error , if i set to none :see_no_evil: there is no way to figured out :see_no_evil: