uefn crashes when i try to open a project

Hello i have problem opening my uefn projects cause editor crashes

Same issue, trying to remove the latest Windows updates and revert to older Nvidia update (happened after either of these Yesterday), no luck yet. Dump files don’t say much, just pointing to some random ntdll addresses.

Sadly no progress, older Nvidia driver and uninstalling windows updates did not help.

It breaks on baking skins when it spawn GPU workers (I believe), an empty new project does not break, but any sufficiently complex project does.

I am on gtx 1080 and windows 10


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We’re checking into this @EternalMem0ry and will let you know if we need more information.

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Thank you @Flak

Adding to the mystery. If i try enough times, and load up another project first, im sometimes able to open the seemingly corrupt project.
I think the issue was introduced in 25.20. The issue first appeared right after updating with no changes to the project.

Sorry, can you share which GPU you are on?

Trying to narrow down the issue, since 3080 does not have that issue while 1080 does, curious if its related.

Its quite annoying, and timing of it is terrible as well /:

Yes of course and i think you are correct in suspecting this to be related to certain graphics cards. Ive seen the issue on two different maschines with gtx 1080’s and on one pc with a gtx 1060

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Okay after an great amount of trial and error working with another person, we finally found what caused the issue for us.

It was all caused by this tree that we had a single instance of. Best guess is the shader is causing issues on certain graphics cards.

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Happy to hear you got a temporary solution, hope the real issue can be addressed by Epic soon.

This is the best that we can do without access to the source code im afraid

I’ve submitted a bug report to epic with the info

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We have forwarded the issue as well. Hopefully, it will get escalated and addressed soon.