Blueprint Props and childed props like normal static meshes are not affected by world partition anymore and will not be hided if player is outside the loading range.
Steps to Reproduce
Create a Blueprint Prop with any assets inside
Child are normal Static Mesh under a normal Static Mesh
Enable Streaming
Get out of the loading range
Enable spatially loaded
Expected Result
Blueprint props & childed meshes should be not visible anymore if you’re outside the loading range
Observed Result
Create a Blueprint Prop with any assets inside
Child are normal Static Mesh under a normal Static Mesh
Any streaming changes (grid cell size, data layers, actors spatially loaded or not, etc.) need you to do Play Session again in order to regenerate the streaming cells.
if you do Play Session again, do you see the result you want ?
Unfortunately it does not show the results I want. I restarted the UEFN Editor multiple times, and tested even with new spawned Blueprint props but unfortunately it only worked for normal static meshes without being childed or being a blueprint prop.
Unfortunatelly I haven’t been able to repro your issue.
Can you share more details regarding what you use as a BP Prop, which static mesh(es), what kind of parenting you are setting up ? What are your World Partition settings ?
In a blank map, using a BP prop on which I assigned a cube static mesh component, I have no issue
I created a child actor and assigned it another static mesh.
Enabled streaming, launched session. My actors are all streaming out properly.