I have unreal editor v.4.9.1 (Version: 4.9.1-0+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.9), builded by our team for optimalization.
My computer have 16gb RAM, Laptop Lenovo Y580, gfx: gForce MX 660.
After some change of my blueprint - I automatically compile blueprint and then save it. Minimalize window and then save level and next click play. Unfortunatelly when saving level *.umap Editor freeze forever at 30%. It happen in some situation:
after I change some things inside one of my blueprints
after I change some code inside my c++ and then compile inside visual studio and run editor again then press save (event if I dont change anything and event ‘*’ is not visible i level name on tab)
after update svn (20 person team) and then run editor and try to save
I must tell that only I have this problem from my team. No one from my team except me have never ever had this problem. I don’t made any special things before it happen. We (in team) don’t change Unreal Editor version for 2 months. Don’t change any compilation settings or so.
It happen to me about 2 weeks ago.
First time when it happen, I tried many things:
Remove lastly added nodes from my blueprint
Disconnect and connect again last connected nodes
Recompile all my blueprints
Recompile all my c++ code
No of this things help. When I run editor, open my level, click SAVE and it freeze in 30% of saving *.umap.
Few times I start work again when copy manually saved *.umap of my level and *.uasset of my blueprint.
Few times it don’t help, and I must delete my *.umap level and all *.uasset from my level - and it help.
One time it don’t help and I must do revert in my svn to last update.
Now it happen again after update, and copy manually saved *.umap and all level *.uasset dont help. It happen in different situation, so I think is Unreal Editor bug - not my code.
Usually I’m start Unreal Editor thru debugger inside visual studio. So when it freeze on saving level I few times try to debug what is happen but I don’t know Unreal Editor code well to recognize where is the bug. But I reallize that is forever loop in saving .umap.
This forever loop is inside: UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Serialization/Archive.cpp
from line 478: while( NumChunksLeftToFinalize )
to line 597: }
I do copy-paste this loop here for facilitation:
As I see when debugging while-loop variable ‘NumChunksLeftToFinalize’, it is always ‘1’ event when going thru lines and go to line 594: NumChunksLeftToFinalize–;
It still remain ‘1’ in watch window - I never meet this kind of problem in programming. Maybe this var is guarded somehow by mutex or critical section or so. I don’t know. But when I set this variable manually to ‘0’ and code flow go further, few lines below it crash.
I need to mention it happen only when I’m saving level *.umap - it never happen when saving blueprints itself.
I’m work mostly in one blueprint which is fairly big.
I need to mention too, It happen mostly in 30% of save window, sometimes 31%, sometimes 35% - never more.
The newest check if I can save any other levels faild - it also freeze when saving other levels.
Also newest problem I cannot resolve thru svn revert to last working time.
So, because this two - I think it’s not the cause of my .umap or .uasset’s but Unreal Editor thing.
Unfortunatelly I cannot do this bug smaller because it happen only in my big level and big project which my company don’t let me show publicly. But I can give you any logs you want, and any If it necessery I can give you my remote desktop control.