UE5 vs UE4 in Sun Temple [video]

Hi there,
I made a new project in UE5 and imported Sun Temple into it and made a comparison video to show how much Lumen GI and Lumen Reflections are different.
This may help those who wants to upgrade their UE4 projects into UE5.

Sun Temple UE5 vs UE4

If you want to download the Sun Temple source project you can find it here in the marketplace which is free, made by Epic Games.


But there only is the 4.27 version. I convert it from 4.27 to 5, but map error.
do you have the suntemp UE5.0? Thank you

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For opening it with UE5 all you need to do is to make a new project with UE5 and then copy all of the contents of your UE4 version to it.