UE5 VR Preview shows "Unreal Editor, Next Up" in headset. No tracking

I just double checked that my Valve Index is fully operational with a build of 4.27 but my UE5 Project is having issues.

I first had an issue with VR Preview being disabled which I fixed by enabling the steam VR plugin.

Now the game doesn’t render in VR. The window stays open and is controlled with the mouse, but audio comes through the index earphones. The window title has a bunch of info about how it’s running on a valve index.

In the headset I see “Unreal Editor” Next Up, and the valve index background. In options it’s saying back to game, unreal editor. But no actual game is rendering nor is the headset tracking. I can fully control my game with standard controls but the window is rendering at a really weird Point of View.

It’s doing that thing where the UMG UI is showing up huge in the upper left corner (Which I plan on removing for VR mode once I can get this all working) The game itself is super zoomed in but skewed.

UE5 Preview 2 combined with the latest version of SteamVR broke VR Preview through OpenXR specifically when using Index controllers. It has since been fixed, you can get the latest version of 5.0 on GitHub.

I actually pulled the latest 5.0 and still have the same problem. I am working on trying a new project to see what happens, but I was trying it on my existing project.

I should note that the issue that was fixed was VR Preview not being available when using OpenXR. Your SteamVR plugin issue is a different problem.

Seems like using OpenXR and not Steam VR works.

I made a new UE5 project using the VR template and that works.

I also noticed that the VR template has the OpenXR plugin enabled but not Steam VR. I actually disabled SteamVR in my game and enabled all OpenXR related things and now it works fine.

Maybe there are issues with the Steam VR plugin in UE5. Could there be some log messages I should look for to know what the error is in my main project?

Going forward it seems like we should always just use OpenXR? I’ve read more about this and it seems like a universal wrapper/API/standard for these things that sits on top of Steam VR or Oculus or WMR.