UE5 VR Groom only render in left eye

For the hardware and engine, I’m using Meta Quest 2 and UE 5.1.1, the graphic card I use is a laptop 3080. In the level I have a character with Groom assets (hair) on it. But when I press “VR预览”, I can only see the groom rendered correctly in the left eye, in the right eye I just see a black plaque on the top of the character’s head.

Unfortunately the preview window shows the view in left eye so I cannot tell you what I see in the headset exactly, but I saw many people suffering the same problem in the dev community. Is this problem solvable at this time? Any suggestion is appreciated, Thanks!

This has been fixed in 5.2. You can find the commit on GitHub here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/7547851d07778b19ed87dda69f491750ff589cea

Thank you so much! I 'll try out the latest engine later~

Not completely fixed…using 5.3 with meta human…and quest 2…left eye looks fine right eye still not complete…