So, congrats on this game-changing half-victory. UE5 is nice.
But for now that is all it is. Just nice.
I was introduced to UE a week ago and my friend and I both fell in at the transition to UE5 - having previously worked on UE4.25-7 — ultimately preferring 4.27
Not only does UE5 take inordinately long to load - making me click the launcher twice to confirm something’s happening, which then, creating a second process, makes EVERYTHING take even longer. The system is a wreck after opening 5.0
Now I hear all the elitists booing I should upgrade my PC, but really if I had specs enough to flowingly get in and out of 4.27 - why this disastrous change?
I am already giving this platform all my attention, what more can I give?
I will not be kindly coerced into upgrading an already adequate system.
That is called consumerism.
This new 5.0 is too over-juiced to be of any practical use and the best thing I have done with it so far is to remove/delete/uninstall it from the launcher completely.
Games will be made on 4.27 or bust.