UE5 Shader Crash by using FASTBuild

I’m trying to build unreal engine 5 using FASTBuild. There are 5 workers using 10 cpu each. But, it took longer than when I did not use FASTBuild. Anybody knows the reason?

In addition, when I run editor it occurs shader crash. Finally I found the reason. To build shader compile needs to modify some shader code. But all solution is related to ue4 and shader code is too diffrent. How can I fix it?

Fatal error: [File:D:\jinyoung\ts_client\Engine\Plugins\FastBuildController\Source\Private\FastBuildJobProcessor.cpp] [Line: 164] An error occurred during an FASTBuild shader compilation job. One or more of the shader compile worker processes exited unexpectedly (Code -1).

UnrealEditor_FastBuildController!FFastBuildJobProcessor::MonitorFastBuildProcess() [D:\jinyoung\ts_client\Engine\Plugins\FastBuildController\Source\Private\FastBuildJobProcessor.cpp:165]
UnrealEditor_FastBuildController!FFastBuildJobProcessor::Run() [D:\jinyoung\ts_client\Engine\Plugins\FastBuildController\Source\Private\FastBuildJobProcessor.cpp:89]
UnrealEditor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [D:\jinyoung\ts_client\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsRunnableThread.cpp:149]