[UE5] RAY-TRACED Translucency BUG

Hey, I want to use a translucent object used as a magnifying glass but want to use ray tracing to get better results. When I switch the rendering type to ‘Ray Tracing’ I get this kind of issue.

When I switch back to ‘Raster’ the lightning seems to be normal.

Any idea whats causing this problem?

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Hello, I got the same result. I think, we can just take the Raster at this time and wait until Epic fix this Problem maybe later. Do you find any solution to this bug?

This happens because none of the old raytracing features (translucency, reflection, refraction…) support any GI method other than lightmaps. You’re trying to use them with Lumen GI, which is not supported, so when you look through them, all the GI (and skylight shadowing) is gone.

There’s no way to fix this other than by disabling it or using lightmaps instead of Lumen, these features do not work together.

Thanks a lot for the Infos.

I just found what cause this problem on UE 5.4
it’s sky light, intensity too high can cause this problem