UE5 Plugin StartupModule method doesn't get called

Hi everyone!

I was trying to create a custom asset type in my custom plugin but i seem to not be able to make it show in the editor asset window.
To Debug the issue i thought of putting a Log inside the StartupModule() method but i noticed that it never gets called. I need to use the StartupModule to register the custom asset type whithin the UE5 editor but i just cannot understand what might gone wrong.


That’s the plugin structure

That’s the .uplugin file

To create my custom asset i followed the example showed here: https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/tutorials/vyKB/unreal-engine-creating-a-custom-asset-type-with-its-own-editor-in-c

Did you ever solve this? I suspect you needed to enable the dependency to your plugin in the .uproject file’s “Plugins” section, like so:

	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "YourPluginName",
			"Enabled": true