UE5 Plugin access Missing under Edit

In UE5 Version: 5.0.3-20979098+++UE5+Release-5.0 access to plugins under Edit is missing! I can not access, install or remove any plugins? i have reviewed my settings and can not find any setting turned off or deactivated that might cause this issue?

I am running UE5 on a workstation with AMD Ryzen 9 5950, 128 GB DDR4 ram, GeForce RTX 3080 12 GB, 2 TB NVMe drive, 10 GB SATA Data drive.

Any and all constructive input toward resolving this issues is appreciated.


It’s a wild stab in the dark, but it might be here


( top right ).


Hello ClockworkOcean, thank you for your reply. I visited my setting in the top right and still no access to “Plugins”. I am attaching an actual screen shot from my workstation.

Try an interface reset, while I take a look around

In the main editor window:

Window → Load layout → Default editor layout

Did you download this engine from the launcher, or build it?

I saw this


Hello ClockworkOcean

I downloaded this engine from the launcher and I have not intentionally tried to edit any of the settings. I have downloaded and used a texture pack from GitHub learning more about textures. The link follows GitHub - GDi4K/unreal-openland: Landscape AutoMaterial for UnrealEngine with some related Tools for RVT, etc.
It seems to work very nicely and hopefully it did not modify any of my settings within UE5?
I tried reloading my “default editor layout” and there were not changes.
I am now moving on to your next suggestion of editing my file “.uproject” file with the text editor Notepad++ I will reply back with my results and thank you for all your assistance!

Hello ClockworkOcean

you are a Master with solutions and answers! My issue is FIXED, I can now access my plugins!!!

I marked your answer about editing my .uproject file and that was the solutions, plugins and plugin browser was marked “false” I changed then to “true” saved the file and opened UE5 and my issue was fixed.

The only difficulty I had was finding the correct .uproject file as there are several. The correct one was located within my project files.

Leading me again to suspect the texture pack I downloaded, but I can not prove this suspicion. I am going to be more careful about bringing in non Epic Store materials from other sources in the future.

Thank you for all your time and help!

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