UE5 Niagara: Can't access SolveForcesAndVelocity Output Position

I’ve just been following the “Building advanced effects in Niagara” video posted on the UnrealEngine channel and am stuck at the point where a Lerp is used to blend between particle positions.

Here are some basic steps of the setup:

  • Particles are initialized via “InitializeMeshReproductionSprite”
  • Particles are affected by forces such as “VortexVelocity”
  • The force(s) are followed by a “SolveForcesAndVelocity”
  • “UpdateMeshReproductionSprite” binds the particles to the mesh’s surface
  • A “LerpParticleAttributes” is used to blend between the position affected by the forces and the position on the mesh surface

In the video the SolveForcesAndVelocity has a position output, which seems to be missing here. I’ve only got access to “IncomingPhysicsForce” and “Velocity”. Has something changed in UE5?

I’ve followed the steps a couple of times now but seem to encounter the same problem each time. Just thought I’d ask here while I try digging deeper. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Link to video:

Unless the output was removed completely from the module, it was probably changed from a vector type to a position type (see the docs for more info).

You can convert a position to a vector in the stack, but be aware that doing so probably breaks the effect when using it with large world coordinates.

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Converting the position output from a position type to vector type solved it, thanks! I’m not working with large world coordinates, but will keep that in mind.