Adding a basic Attributeset and Datatable is quite simple in Lyra, I’m struggling to develop a nice Widget Blueprint to update the multiple Progress bars using ‘Wait for Attribute Change’ there does not seem to be many examples out there.
It took longer than I anticipated, I’m still new to making videos. Client->Server GAS RPC video is now up.
Time to move on to Gameplay Attributes! Starting with the Health component. Since I’m spawning bots into my game, I’m going to try to attach a health component over each of the bot’s heads so I can see how the UI is hooked up to it.
Any tips as I get started?
Lyra already has a health widget that will display for your Team. I think that’ll be a good starting point.
My main how to wants involve changing the “death cubes”, damage decals, having collisions on corpses/modifying corpse lifetime independent of respawn, and modifying sounds (the metasound livestream was less about modifying and more about creation tbh)
Maybe you can help me with that. I want to create a shield attribute. Can you share the steps needed to do that? Did you just copy over the health attribute set and health component? What else need to be changed or referenced? I’ll dive on it next week.
Doing some research while on vacation, I did a deep dive into Lyra’s Interaction System. I found the official docs to be lacking in conceptual insight. (Probably because I’m too noob to understand what they said )
My addition to the official docs:
Interaction is something that I really want to dive into in the upcoming weeks. Thank you for sharing your notes.
If you want to get things to work right, there is more to getting metahumans to work. I have used the BP that comes with a metahuman as my base, and retargetted it to LyraTaggedActor. This is important, as you can then set the female tags that Quin uses, so your female metahumans will use female animations. Also I have found that the standard bp included with any metahuman works flawlessly when syncing clothes. After you have made your metahuman and sk_mannequin skeletons compatible, your new LyraTaggedActor metahumans can then all use the ABP_Mannequin_CopyPose animation blueprint and it all works fine.
Has anyone managed to migrate the Menu and Game Settings from Lyra to another project?
I working hard on getting Lyra to posses another character or a vehicle. If anyone have any tips, tricks, ideas or examples or have seen anything on the internet about this subject. Then I am interested.
Well I have migrated Lyra to my own c++ project without issues, and I am running without ShooterCore or ShooterMaps. You really do need the whole LyraGame and LyraEditor folders in your own source folder though.
This doesn’t seem to work well for medium female metahumans - the shoulders wind up puffed up and the mesh is pinched in various places. Have you encountered this issue?
Can you say more about this step? I don’t see a skeletal mesh with that name. Do you mean you set it to inherit from LyraTaggedActor?
Yes, inherit from LyraTaggedActor. Then you need to set these two tags under StaticGameplayTags on the Class Defaults panel. The first tag is Cosmetic.AnimationStyle.Feminine and the 2nd tag is Cosmetic.BodyStyle.Medium.