UE5 Merge Actors ---> Batch (Outliner No selection)

ue5 Actor Merge"
I can’t selectively focus on the outliner

How do I solve this part?

If you select the actor in the outliner first
It’s a choice for everyone
On the other hand, if you select from the viewport
The current instance of the entire mesh is not selected, and the outliner is also not selected

I’m going to create a file that’
Level instances or
I don’t want to use pack-level actors

You can just double click the one you want to move :slight_smile:

( but you will not see anything in the outliner, because they are now all one actor ).

Even if you double-click the mesh in the view window
I can’t find it in the outliner

That’s what I’m saying. When you instance them like this, it basically becomes one object, and you lose the outliner.

Hi, is it possible to undo the batch merge? I wish to turn them back to individual static meshes. Is this possible?

You can try ‘split’ in the modelling tools, otherwise you’re stuck with it, I’m afraid.

thank you for your reply. I’ll test the split feature and see if it works.

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Sadly it isn’t a solution. Shame there isn’t an option to return the batch merge to its original individual meshes…

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You can revert the batch merged objects by selecting the instances on the scene instead of selecting the actor in the outliner and you will see a little button below that will give you the desired result.

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