I dunno if this is by design or not but wind is not working for me when using the path tracer. Weird thing is, if I select the trees you can see the waving outlines…
Any idea on how to fix this?
I dunno if this is by design or not but wind is not working for me when using the path tracer. Weird thing is, if I select the trees you can see the waving outlines…
Any idea on how to fix this?
I am experiencing the same issue!
@MonoDeaf Luckily, a helpful discord user resolved the issue.
For individually placed trees just turn on WPO in ray tracing.
And for trees painted in foliage mode type this into the console:
r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.EvaluateWPO 1
In path tracing mode the trees will be blurry while they move, this is normal. When you render them out via movie render que the blurriness will be gone.
I was wondering if there was any other settings that need to be changed also? The WPO box is already checked and I tried running the command but nothing is moving.
I tried just working with one mesh to see if i could get it to work and same results. In Path Tracing mode you can see the outline move but not the object itself…
Hmmm, not sure. Is it moving within Lumen/lit?
Yes as soon as I change it to Lit everything starts moving as its supposed to. But when i switch it to path tracing it all stops.
I tried rendering it out with the movie que hoping that maybe it did not work in the view port but that did not work either.
I am using the first Wheat grass pack from here
Could it be nanite or something else?
Okay, here are my two cents [which is about what it’s actually worth] based on notes I took from William Faucher’s "Troubleshooting Foliage: video on YouTube:
The combination of Wind and RayTracing may produce incorrect shadows cast by foliage actors. The solution is to force UE to correctly evaluate their World Offset Position.
For Static Meshes - select asset/ Details Panel/ Rendering/ Ray Tracing/ Evaluate World Position Offset - ON
For Foliage Actors - the same solution, BUT… this fix ONLY works on assets YET TO BE GENERATED; it does NOT resolve the problem for any foliage actors which have already been added to a scene!
So… I ran the console command, and turned WPO - ON and painted in some new foliage and… I got nothin’. Not with Path Tracer, anyway. They all work fine using Lit, but not even the new foliage is moving with Path Tracer - not even when rendered thru the Queue.
Maybe these notes will help resolve someone’s issue with this problem, but I’m still looking for a solution, if anybody has one.
Cheers -
I have an issue when using ‘r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.EvaluateWPO 1.’ The trees now move, but… When I navigate with the camera in ‘PathTracer’ mode, some trees change position and also have black textures. Only some of them. Is there any solution?
Did you find a solution to this? Facing the same issue. Please Help!
Don’t Worry Yes I have a Solution! After some hours I found the solutions in UE5 Comands.
r.RayTracing.Geometry.StaticMeshes.WPO.CullingRadius 10000
Do not evaluate world position offset for static meshes outside of this radius in ray tracing effects (default = 5000 (50m))
If you have problems, go to the UE5 commands list and you can find the solutions there!
for me this works for grass foliage and other Plants, the trees are also moving but in a very jagged way unfortunatley not close to a smooth movement. did someone expierienced the same or has an Idea what to do ?
did you found a solution ?
For those who are still searching for a solution, This is what that worked for me.
I used this command to enable visibility of my landscape ground cover (foliage):r.RayTracing.Geometry.LandscapeGrass 1
Then I used this command to force enable WPO in path tracing: r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.EvaluateWPO 1
Then for the individual meshes(Trees) in the scene, I made sure that
Evaluate world Position Offset and
Evaluate World Position Offset in Ray Tracing is checked in the details.
I also made sure that, nanite is disabled for every mesh I wanna use here.
You may need this command to show instanced meshes in path tracing.
r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.Culling 0