UE5 Matrix Asset. Problem Raytracing or PathTracing

Im Ivan Elizarov, creator plugin Camera360v2. It is difficult to set up Raytracing in the project and there are big problems with PathTracing for large cities.

Does anyone know their solution?


Problem in reflection, distance.


Lumen uses half of the screen space for global lighting, do you think there is a way to avoid this?


PathTracing contains excellent lighting and reflections, but the distance does not allow you to capture the whole city. + Problem in Sky, i see City :smiley:
I tried the command r.raytracing.culling.radius 100000000 and here is the result.

I will attach a video of the result later.
Pathtracing also just crashes from Seqeuncer or MovieRender rendering, but it works if you use HighresShot.