UE5 making a video game

i am new here for ue 5
if i make a game can me and a family member play the game on 2 pcs? one player and host in the next room or living room computer and the game would not be for sale, a fighting game or action game and is Unreal Engine free for home use? and is there a fee if you don’t or have no plans to sell the games you make?
and is the game locked to one pc?

thank you for your time and stay safe

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Hey there @BabyWeeWee! Welcome to the community! So the answer to your question of multiplayer is of course yes! You can even host listen servers on a local peer to peer connection and play together relatively easily!

There is no fees if you’re not selling your game (and for most games no fees ever as long as they don’t make over a certain threshold).

That said, multiplayer while much simpler to work with in Unreal than many other engines is still network programming, it will take some time getting the game to play like you want as well as integrating the multiplayer features. As a beginner it may be more pertinent to get established with the singleplayer workflow and understand it pretty deeply before moving to multiplayer as it’s a different paradigm to everything you do. however I’ll leave resources for the multiplayer since that’s what you’d asked about!

An example is that if you want a character to sprint in single player, it’s as easy as changing the player speed when they hit shift right? In multiplayer, you have to have the player request to have their speed changed, the server has to change it, tell the player it’s changed, then tell every other player it’s been changed (if relevant).

Multiplayer Resources

Networking Basics Documentation:

The Networking Compendium, a really great PDF that I even reference sometimes when working on multiplayer games:

If you prefer videos, this series explains some of the most important parts about replication:

Now I still recommend learning as much about the engine and how it works before diving into multiplayer head first, so below this point will be some good newer developer oriented tutorial. Let me know if you have any questions!

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