Hello all!
I’ve been testing UE5 with a Radeon 6700 XT the past 3-4 days so far. I’m not looking for technical support as much as I am just giving status updates on things.
I’ve been working on my Strife (1996) game remaster in UE4 for a while and i moved that project over to UE5 on the launch day of EA1. I’ve been using a 2070 Super as my main GPU and working on my project since then basically every day. but i was wondering how Radeon fares in all of this. I acquired one 6700 XT as a loaner from a friend so i could put in some daily bug testing with it and help out as much as i can. I know these cards aren’t as popular so i figured since i’m working every day in it and i have free time and i’m good at this sort of things, why not.
so far i’ve tested the following:
- My game project Strife-UE5 is here:!AmnRUmIq_QLXjs434lXWn0cCT-hDbw?e=vIqJqT
- Windows Update driver is here (the reason for this driver is that no other driver works in Win10’s latest Dev update so windows update provides this one):!AmnRUmIq_QLXjtVJulaM-50WM8dSZA?e=X6Rn2L
The 6700xt with Windows 10 version 10.0.21390.2025 with ue5 Main built as of 2021-6-20 using driver version 30.0.13000.17006 provided by windows update
Zero functionality with SM5 & Lumen Hardware Ray tracing in my personal game project
Update: enabling SM6 possibly fixes this? Disabling the real-time skylight? Unsure. It’s stable while the shaders are compiling.
update update: its stable but glitchy
Zero functionality with lumen software Ray tracing in my personal game project
Update: didn’t test SM6 with software lumen
video of this : (66) StrifeRTX Unreal Editor 2021 06 20 21 34 46 - YouTube
The 6700xt with Windows 10 version 10.0.21390.2025 with ue5 EA1 using driver version 30.0.13000.17006 provided by windows update
Immediate crash once project loads.
The 6700xt with Windows 10 version 10.0.19043.1055 with ue5 Main built as of 2021-6-20 using the official ue5 driver version 27.20.21003.4011 21.5.1 provided by AMD
Just unstable in general. Not good no matter what in my personal game project.
video on my 2070 Super : (66) Unreal Engine 5 Early Access 1 & Strife RTX/UE5 Update Video - YouTube
I have more testing that i’m going to be doing today just to verify some things. i’m already in contact with some very nice folks at AMD about this and they are looking into it. Most of it is engine and the fact that this is such early code so far. Hardware Lumen raytracing is fiddly for everyone to get stable, but it hasn’t been for my 2070 Super at all .
i’ll try and keep this thread updated with more testing i do and with other data i get from 3rd parties with 6000 series cards.
Windows 10 version 10.0.19043.1055 with UE5-EA2 the official ue5 driver version 27.20.21003.4011 21.5.1 provided by AMD
Lumen Hardware acceleration enabled:
My project loads and shaders/cards/SDFs compile when viewport is set to unlit. Going into lit mode crashes with Lumen enabled in the post process. With Lumen disabled going into lit mode does not crash but the Skylight needs to be real-time captured disabled. Enabling Lumen Global illumination crashes after this.
Lumen Hardware acceleration disabled:
No crashing with Lumen disabled & the Skylight Real Time Capture disabled. Crashes when you enable lumen in the post process.
Windows 10 version 10.0.19043.1055 with ue5-Main built as of 2021-6-20 using the official ue5 driver version 27.20.21003.4011 21.5.1 provided by AMD
Lumen Hardware acceleration enabled using shader model 6:
Crashes when going from unlit to lit with Lumen disabled in the post process volume.
Lumen Hardware acceleration disabled using Shader Model 6:
It just crashes no matter what I’m not testing this anymore.
Windows 10 version 10.0.21390.2025 with ue5 Main built as of 2021-6-20 using driver version 30.0.13000.17006 provided by windows update
Lumen Hardware acceleration enabled using Shader Model 6:
Works with Lumen enabled and the real-time capture skylight with multiple graphical glitches and nanite meshes vibrating.
Lumen Hardware acceleration disabled using Shader Model 6:
Functions with less graphical glitches the real-time Skylight capture works but nanite meshes still vibrates.
Lumen Hardware acceleration enabled using Shader Model 5:
Crashes as soon as I enable lumen in the post process volume.
Lumen Hardware acceleration disabled using Shader Model 5:
Crashes as soon as I enable lumen in the post process volume.
I have an update! Using the latest UE5-MAIN build seems to have no compatibility issues*. Check out my video with the update information.
Update To My Compatibility Testing With The AMD Radeon 6700 XT & UE5-MAIN - YouTube
I’ve also noticed that commits made after I made this video seem to not have any build issues related to that Widget code.