UE5 Lumen Render Improvement - Noise on Metallic Surfaces

I’ve been attempting to achieve better results in my video renders with UE5, but I’m struggling with the metallic surface noise. I’ve experimented with various settings and consulted numerous online forums, yet I still can’t achieve the desired outcome.

Here is the render:

Video Render

I would appreciate any help.

Youtube might still be doing its thing, right now the video is only 720p and looks fine - but I know Lumen can be noisy so it may be the resolution and bitrate making it hard to see.

There are a few things you can do.

Make sure some kind of temporal accumulator is enabled, like TAA, TSR or better yet DLSS.
Experiment with settings for TAA or whatever version you use, although this usually trades less noise for more ghosting/blurring.
Decrease the roughness of the material. The higher the roughness, the noisier the trace.
Try tweaking some of the cvars for lumen reflections.
Keep camera moves as slow as possible so TAA/DLSS can accumulate better data. Speed it up in post if you need.
Render at a higher resolution.
Also consider using fake reflections (such as environment mapping) if the object and environment aren’t too dynamic.

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Thanks for the answer. The tip to decrease the materials roughness helped a lot.