UE5 Light Flickering Issue

Hi Guys,

So, I am by no means a UE5 professional, but I’ve been around animation and 3d programs long enough to generally know how things work and how to problem solve. With that being said, I feel like I have tried everything and still don’t have a solution to the problem I am having.

I am working on a rather large project using the Matrix City Pack available on the Epic Marketplace. I have saved this entire project to a 1tb SSD USB that I bought on Amazon and has been working well, so I don’t believe that has anything to do with it.

This project is meant to be shot at night. Thankfully, this NY map can be switched to a night mode. I have gotten that set up no problem and all the automated AI systems work great, but the one issue I have is the difference in lighting between the viewport and the final render.

Viewport Image:

Light Flickering Image:

It is a bit tough to describe, but when you put the rendered image sequence together, the highlighted spots almost become like soft, pulsating lights that pulse in brightness if that makes sense.

This project file comes with various post process volumes that I have enabled and disabled in order to test if it could be conflicting lighting settings that are causing the issue, with no luck in fixing the problem. I also left one post process on and adjusted the camera settings to see if that was an issue, but again, no luck. Finally, I have turned off all lighting in the scene except the post process volume and building lights, and STILL no luck. The options I have not tried yet are disabling all post process volumes and rendering as well as deleting the entire project and starting from scratch. I am in the process of updating my graphics drivers to see if that could fix the issue since I am running this 250gb project on a single 1080TI.

If anyone has any suggestions, I beg you to leave a comment :slight_smile:

Any solution? I falling into the same problem here on this map. It drive me crazy
So I tried to rebuild it all. And it worked for me. But, still have a little bit on windows.