UE5 Landscape displacement

Displacement, pixel depth offset, and masked materials with Nanite are being worked on according to this commit: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/1c061bb0bb6bf9d0cd85402fbbd0904743584f09

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Here’s to hoping that update uses compute based tessellation. PDO is pretty outdated at this point, even from the perspective of performance compute tessellation can compete decently, not to mention all the artifacts and limitations you’d avoid.

Still, good to see mention of it at least.


I just gonna leave it here :wink:

Cheers <3 Very helpful video. However it does not solve really most of the problems with deprecating tessellation.

For example VHFM plugin is still experimental (v0.1), so doesn’t really address the issue of deprecating old software before the replacements are ready.

It also won’t work with distance blend materials because virtual texturing is done in advance, and VHFM relies on virtual texture support. Basically all landscape auto-materials are made with distance blending, so if you’re not just doing simple landscape painting this will break your landscape materials.

It doesn’t solve the issue for non-landscape items either.

These are issues that tessellation solves, unfortunately.

And sorry to double post but I should highlight that there was a possible workaround for distance blending proposed somewhere…I will see if I can find it.

It works fine with distance blended materials, it just depends on where you’re doing the distance blending.

Distance blending is largely unnecessary with RVT, there are far better ways to address macro tiling artifacts.

This thread is literally titled “UE5 landscape displacement”

More to your point though, it has been posted many times now that Epic intends to support tessellation via Nanite.

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I hope to see it :wink: I’m well aware this is Early Access so…flushing out bugs, weaknesses, and getting community feedback etc. is all part of the purpose. I don’t want to give the impression that I’m just here to complain/be rude, just making the point that the new software needs to satisfy all use cases of the old software (otherwise it would be a step backwards).

But texture-driven displacement with nanite would be glorious. I was not aware whether this had actually been confirmed or not, I asked about it in the other thread but never got a response…but I hope to see it

EDIT: To add one more thing…I should have been more specific on distance blending; it’s not that distance blending itself doesn’t work, but rather that RVT doesn’t really make sense with distance blend materials that are based on camera position.

This means for example that grabbing the camera position itself, or pixel depth node, etc. - all the methods basically that one would typically use to drive a landscape material based on distance from the player character - will not function properly. The video I was thinking of is this one from Epic on Virtual Texturing in general https://youtu.be/fhoZ2qMAfa4?t=1957 they discuss using mip levels of the texture output as an alternative.

I agree, there are many options for distance blending. But RVT has nothing to do with that. If someone uses distance blending or anything uses the distance, they need to use RVT mipmaps to mimic that. Actually, it works really well.

Yes but, we may need to wait 1-2 years after the UE5 release.