UE5 lagging when opening right click menu

I solved my issue a few weeks ago and explained the reason in my last post here: Incredible UI lag in UE5.3.2 - #12 by beegeedee - Ask - GameDev.tv

TLDR: I had a software called “RivaTuner Statistics Server” running in the background (used it for undervolting etc.), which was interferring with Unreal in a bad way. Uninstalling/deactivating it solved my issues.

It sounds like there might be an issue with your Unreal Engine 5 installation or settings. Here are some steps you can try to troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

  1. Update Graphics Drivers**: Ensure that your graphics drivers are up to date. Outdated drivers can cause performance issues and crashes.

  2. Check System Requirements**: Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for Unreal Engine 5. Insufficient hardware could lead to performance issues.

  3. Verify Unreal Engine Installation**: Use the Epic Games Launcher to verify the installation of Unreal Engine 5. Sometimes files can become corrupted during download or installation, leading to issues.

  4. Reset Unreal Engine Preferences**: You can try resetting Unreal Engine’s preferences to default settings. To do this, navigate to %APPDATA%\Unreal Engine and delete the 4.27 folder (or the corresponding version folder if you’re using a different version).

  5. Disable Plugins**: If you have any third-party plugins installed, try disabling them temporarily to see if they are causing the issue.

  6. Check for Software Conflicts**: Certain software running in the background could conflict with Unreal Engine. Try closing any unnecessary applications or running Unreal Engine in a clean boot environment to rule out conflicts.

  7. Monitor Resource Usage**: Use task manager or a similar tool to monitor CPU, GPU, and memory usage while using Unreal Engine. This can help identify if resource usage is spiking when you right-click.

  8. Report the Issue**: If the problem persists, consider reporting the issue to Unreal Engine’s support or forums. They may be able to provide more specific guidance or identify if it’s a known issue.

no one knows why but it works xd

I personally don’t run windows 11 for reasons such as these. I don’t believe it’s battle tested enough yet for development (I may be wrong).

However, I do just think this is a graphics card related issue.

I would try a couple things:
-try the solution in that post again and try restarting your pc.
-try reverting to a previous version of the amd software.
-try a different gpu.
-try deleting binaries folder in your project (not sure how much this would help though).

It’s not always the GPU. But, when it is, it’s usually driver related(Unless there’s a compatibility problem with the specific GPU being used, which is rare) I’d definitely start with the drivers. I’ve used tools such as DDU etc to completely uninstall drivers and reinstall fresh to be safe.