UE5 - How to improve UE5 FPS? It is too low... clamped or slow motion, even with a new GeForce RTX 3080

Any Update?

I din’t know that UE5 had that kind of issue… It’s the first game i build and I’m stuck to 25 - 45 fps…

I have create a package game to test if it was the editor and the shipping game is also 30 - 45 package… for an empty world…

I have spend 1 year to learn UE5 and i really don’t want to go back UE4 because i don’t know if everything i have learned will be availalble in UE4. :cry:

Any Solution or update?

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In UE4 you won’t have Nanite, Lumen and those are basically the strongest features, there are more of course, but UE4.26 is the most stable UE version to date, it means: no crashes, no sequencer issues, no FPS issues, no useless buttons instantly crashing UE, Level Streaming is great and easy to use, Masked materials do not affect the engine as strong as UE5, Niagara is basically the same, just a few changes, and very smart choice: you can work in UE4.26 and if UE5 becomes stable by the end of the year… probably not, but at some point it might, then you can upgrade your UE4.26 project to it, but… you can not rollback from UE5 to UE4, it is impossible! most Marketplace assets 90% work with UE4, and If you find a bug, UE4 has more documented solutions.

Actually I love UE5 new features, but for me… it has being a nightmare, and impossible to work with UE5 after so many issues, constant crashes, the sequencer is impossible, tried to make a simple cinematic and spent more time fixing problems… LOL and some coulnd’t be fixed (considering I am an cinematic expert in UE4 it speaks loud) also Lumen lights cause artifacts and shadow issues, some issues can be tweaked, others do not, FPS is very low in UE5, actually I tested and I believe I shared some of my results in the forum, but using UE4 with LOD’s for a cluster of rocks from quixel can give me 180 FPS while using Nanite 60FPS… a max 90FPS, tops with a lot of work… and LODS are not that difficult to make…

Yes, you can not replicate UE5 lights in UE4, but you can make it work, and make it look nice, a lot of great games have being produced with UE4, so… why not? you’ll get used to it after a while and you will enjoy the less unstable engine.

I have waited for long, very patient for a more stable UE5 version, but I’m still getting difficult bugs, low FPS, and an impossible sequencer to work with, some of my bugs have being documented in the forum

Give it a try,(UE4.26)… BUT… ignore UE4.27, I think the Dev team already included new UE5 features on UE4.27 making it also a bit unestable and a producer friend of mine also recommended me not to use it, UE4.26 works great for me, sadly I can’t use UE5 right now… I wish I could, but impossible…

Very sad that the DEV team has focused their efforts on adding more and more features, they should focus their efforts on those bugs and problems… It reminds me to Autodesk Maya when it keep adding new features, when it reached Maya 2016 I think… the software was unstable as hell… crashing for no reasson and then they decided to add less features (they made an statement) and focused their efforts on making Maya stable again, and it was a very smart choice, by 2018 I think Maya was very stable again.

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Thanks for your reply!

I was installoing 4.27 ! but with your post i will switch to 4.26!

I will remade my game on it… and wait until UE5 will be 100% working!

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I mean, it’s hard even for the most experienced designers,

because for some areas of game development UE5 works well and for others it doesn’t, I know studios that haven’t upgraded their projects to UE5… and we want to move on, and go ahead, but we can’t risk long time projects,

also many studios use Perforce (source control for teamwork) and Perforce argues that UE5 also runs slower than UE4 on their software (I got it writen by direct mail from them actually) so it’s kind of complicated because you want to use it but you don’t want to take the risk, and they not isues related to PC or Laptop specs, some of us own some of the most powerful equipment to date.

then it is better to just keep waiting… but, the question is: how long?

I have installed 4.26 and


i’m at 30 fps in an empty black level in UE5…


Metahumans cannot be 1:1 updated from ue4 to ue5. just something to note here.

Go to setting and uncap your fps. Also check the value of MaxFPS in the console. I get 100+fps on a laptop 3060 in an empty scene

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thanks, i have now 80 fps in an empty level… i don’t know why i can’t reach 120 :cry:

That works for me !!!


After that 120 fps on the empty level !!!

And 100 fps during the game !!!

I want to add more info.

Here the FPS when my UE5 is open.

Here the FPS when my UE5 is Open and i open the Blueprint Editor in a little windows

I have lost 40 FPS.

And here the FPS when i put the blueprint editor on my second screen but on the full screen instead of a little windows

So the opend editor reduce the FPS!!
It’s not normal but it’s what it is.

And if i close the blueprint editor:


… RIP :smiley:

In fact, if you have only 1 screen. When you reduce the blueprint editor. you get back your max fps back!
SO i Assume that all people having trouble with FPS work on two screen!!?? (like me)
And people who doesn’t face those kind of low fps, are working on a single screen ?


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It may have something to do with the background fps setting.
It’s a setting where it super reduces the application fps when windows haven’t last clicked on that application window.

I forget what it’s called.

The thing is with UE5.1 and .2 that even if you get “OK” FPS by removing everything good from UE5… (which is basically going back to UE4… LOL) and still, you don’t get as much FPS in an empty scene, then try Nanite and FPS immediately drops to 60FPS (unplayable considering a lot of Devs have RTX, and a lot of clients don’t, as well as a lot of consoles aren’t as strong as a PC) and so…

The next new feature in UE5.2… actually should be: great FPS again…, an stable engine, an unbroken sequencer (completly broken at the time, people even recording from the screen…LOL) because right now, we try to do 1 scene with one sequence and a few characters and we spend much more time fixing the UE5 issues than actually and really working on the art, UE5 it’s a pain.

So I was amused that UE5.2 is still bad and they keep adding new stuf to make news, while people is rolling back to UE4.26 since that’s the more stable engine to date.

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You can try TSR, and set r.ScreenPercent=50

You can try TSR, and set r.ScreenPercent=50

No, stop it with upscalers.
Upscalers are the worst thing to happen to games, it promotes lazy optimization.
If you’re not working on a Real Time application like a game, if a lot of rotations are in your project, use XeSS or DLSS on performance at 4k.

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Run t.MaxFPS 999 and see what happens. It’s a pretty common Cvar bro. Like stat fps.

So I was amused that UE5.2 is still bad and they keep adding new stuf to make news, while people is rolling back to UE4.26 since that’s the more stable engine to date.

Yeah welcome to the club. Go vote the topic.

EDIT: New 3080? Make sure all drivers are set to maximum performance. Some driver softwares connected to your GPU can limit you to low frame rates to “Save energy” even in editor like this.

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Launch UE4. Fixed.

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Nah, @DraxFX
Turn off as many features in the Cvars like film grain. Use the Console Variables plugin and search “off.” Have fun putting 0 on alot of things you feel are pontless.
A 3080 should run 60fps at 4k on a complete game. So, if you are running the editor on a 4k screen, you should run 120fps in a template. Remember that Epic settings target 30fps.

TSR is meant for upscaling and can tank performance at high native resolutions. Turn that off and use FXAA instead(All temporal AA is bad unless at native 4k, no convincing me). Keep Lumen on high settings and VSMs at medium. AA settings on high or epic, doesn’t matter. FXAA is super cheap. Postprocess on low. If you need AO or Motion blur, edit the Cvars to enable them independently of the PP settings.

You should run 120fps 4k with these settings.

A Nintendo switch isn’t going to run Lumen so your performance will skyrocket sort of on a switch or no Lumen(GI settings on medium or below).

As for Nanite, forget about it?Work on using LODs. The UE5 games prove it isn’t worth it the performance. Lumen and good textures using mipmaps will most likely bring your project to another playable level.

Hey guys I haven’t forgotten about this thread over a year later.
I fixed all my UE5 editor performance issues.
I just reinstalled windows. I didn’t notice my pc performance getting gradually worse over time, but it feels completely different now. Took a day but it’s worth it.

I just reinstalled windows

Bro that’s not a solution that’s putting on a dang leg cast.

Welcome to the world of Microsoft Windows. I dislike it as much as the next guy. At least give it a try. Not sure how that’s a “dang leg cast” when it was literally the source of my PC underperforming, not the Engine.

Or just buy a better PC ¯_(ツ)_/¯