UE5 - How to improve UE5 FPS? It is too low... clamped or slow motion, even with a new GeForce RTX 3080

Hi guys!

I wonder how to improve UE5.0.1 FPS? Now we have a final version of the engine and FPS is almost the same to preview versions, which means low:

I already tried several things, for example:

  • Shadow method is set to: Shadow maps
  • Smooth Frame rate has been raised from a max (60) to a max of 200,

Now I get 65FPS on my “gaming” PC, with a default UE5 map, no edits (engine minimized)… but this FPS, is way to low, I wonder if NOW… there is new techniques to improve it (Without turning Lumen and Nanite OFF), probably changing light settings, etc, just to give you an example, If I were to make a game for Nintendo Switch, which is like the lowest specs anywhere, I would need at least 120-140 FPS on PC (probably higher) in order to stay between 60 and 70 FPS on Switch, so right now it would be impossible to make a game for Switch with UE5.0.1

Please help and start sharing ideas to help other developers.

I wonder what this could be… it works fine for me when I open a new project.

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Now I have a new issue…

sudenly my framerate is locked to 60FPS, it seems clamped from UE5… never goes higher on my RTX3080… and If I check “Fixed” and set a high value… everything becomes slow motion :

What can I do=?


Maybe tune down the graphics in Unreal Engine 5? Running it on max settings always has lower frame rates.

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I already downgraded scalability to High quality… but the issue also happens at low… and my computer has all the top specs, ultra high end computer… there is nothing to improve, once UE5 reaches 60FPS it stays like that, clamped, it didn’t hapen before, it’s a new issue.

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Start out by resetting the FPS smoothing to its default values. This just fixes screen tearing, more on that here. After that, you’re going to want to see if your problem is the fps limit (by default 60), by running t.MaxFPS through the console to uncap it.

I honestly do not like to apply console commands, because after a while (years in production) I completely forget wich commands I previously applied, and I do not know how to figure out those changes, but… is there a way to “unclamp” UE5? probably from project settings or init? this is not “engine” FPS… this is ingam FPS, wich is different, If I do the exact process in UE4.26 I get 200FPS plus…, but in UE5 I can only get 50 to 66FPS in my RTX3080

Ok, I already tried this, it seems like this has to be a bug, because If I start just changing things in the smooth framerate, for example: I check “smooth framerate” (project settings), then change the min and max slider value, suddenly UE5 unclamps the 60FPS limit… BUT… As soon as I finish working in the engine, close it, then restart it, it starts clamped to 60FPS again… OMG, even when previously I left it running higher than 60, so fpr now… I have to keep doing it everytime in start any UE5 project, again and again, check it, uncheck it, move the sliders, until suddenly UE5 becomes unclamped, so, probably this is an issue, that will be difficult to fix, since it keeps clamping it constantly.

Not a solution, just an opinion. Lumen is heavy. on my beefy PC with a 3090ti I only get about 100fps in a fairly simple environment with a small terrain and sometimes it dips into 60s easily. Unless you are targeting next gen I would reconsider other options like static lighting.

I remember topics like this back in day when UE4 was released.
Ppl back then complained about low fps in completely empty scenes. Exactly what UE5 shows now.

IMHO ue5 is completely NOT production-ready right now. I hope it will be by version 5.10 or so.


I’m confident the team will fix all the FPS bugs, but for now I wonder what we can to tweak a solution, before the team fixes UE5 FPS issues, because there are, and I have an RTX3080, but I think we can start using it and then upgrade to a less buggy version in the future.

Will they fix this anytime soon ? How its possible that they are boasting about performance increase while it is worse than ever ?

I have 8 FPS in simple game where I had 180 FPS in UE4 with RTX 2070 how they can even release it publicly. UE5 is complete garbage I don’t know how they even got some decent FPS maybe a rig with 10x 3090 for just a 25FPS what a shame.

It is not in anyway problem with hardware UE5 is just totally useless, if you want 8 FPS you can just build Powerpoint presentation

Well other people don’t have this problem. I don’t, and I don’t think a lot of other people have this problem. Maybe you can verify or uninstall and reinstall UE5? And look man just because It doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it’s a complete heap of garbage for others.

Apparently It does not work for a lot of people since there are like 10 topics basically same with looooong threads. I installed fresh UE5.1 out of the box. Most of people just reverted back to UE4, just type Low FPS UE5 and look how much people have this problem and also with even better cards like RTX3080.

So I will say it this way, because it works for you (and i doubt you have more than 40FPS) does not mean its my fault or others and you can be just lucky.

UE5 should not work for just chosen ones it should work the same for everyone.

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I would really like help with this, I have just 8 FPS stuck and no more. Do you know any way how to get to know what is the problem ?

20230108_175939.utrace (25.1 MB)
I had tried all of them, I had even spend 3 days trying to debug it through Insights. Can you please have a look into trace ?

Just to bump this, I’ve also been having the same exact problem as @opaka

I just want to add that I have also been having lower FPS compared to UE4. I created a new ThirdPerson project in UE4, made a new UE5 project and migrated the ThirdPerson stuff from 4 to 5. Then I turned off Lumen, Nanite and any other new performance settings and I am still getting 30% less frames in UE5 than in UE4.

I guess I could be missing a load of new settings that ruin the performance but who knows what they are? It would be nice if Epic could create a template or show us all the settings to be able to get back to UE4 performance when you aren’t using Lumen or Nanite if that is even possible!?

I actually stoped using UE5 for games, I only use it for compositions or videos

FPS is just bad and it costantly crashes without a real cause

Now I’m back to UE4.26 and working really fine…


Hi Everyone,

Just wanna pop in really quickly and ask that we remain civil in the discussions. Thank you!

'- Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator :smiley:

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