UE5 for M1 Apple Silicon

When I try to open quixel bridge the app crashes (m1 build), any idea on how to fix?
I also activated web browser and web authentication plugin

what I did was install the regular unreal and the quixel plugin then go to the location where the plugin was installed.

/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Plugins/Bridge/ThirdParty/Mac/node-bifrost.app/Contents/MacOS/node-bifrost

Copy the node-bitfrost file and replace the one from source.

itā€™s still hacky. the plugin open and download the metahumans but the add button doesnā€™t work so I have to go to the download folder and copy the assets manually to my project.

it work but I wouldnā€™t recommend it for people that depend on it all the time to follow tutorials like I do I put up with.

Could you share that file, please? My 250 GB storage mac is already full so I canā€™t install another 70 GBs

you can download it from there.

Rememer the path is node-bifrost.app/Contents/MacOS/

which mean you have to right-click node-bifrost.app and click Show Package Contents then follow the rest of the path and override that file.


Most probably you did not build ShaderCompileWorker prior to building UE5. Checkout the instructions on the engine github page.

So I spent almost a whole day to build Unreal Engine 5.1 from source on my M1 Macbook Air (8/512) (Yes, I like pain). I would like to share some insights regarding what has changed since 5.0.

The performance is notably better.

Using Rosetta and running a simple map (Unreal Learning Kit) I had terrible performance. Using the LOW scalability, I had around 15 FPS, had to remove light to be able to do anything. The CPU temperatures were 95-100 degrees all the time. Shaders compiled for about an hour.

After switching to 5.1, Shaders are compiling about 2-3 times faster.
Framerates are also way better

Low: 50-70 fps
Medium: 30-40 fps
High 20-30 fps

CPU temperatures are not higher than 70 degrees

First of all, I followed the original instruction given at the Epic Games/Unreal Engine github page:

  1. Forked the project using Github Desktop
  2. Switched to ue5-main branch
  3. Run Setup.command found in the project folder (+ 20 GB downloading)
  4. Run GenerateProjectFiles.command found in the project folder (took 1 minute)
  5. Edited XcodeBuild.sh file to fix ShaderCompileWorker build (thanks to @Rspaulino)
  6. Open Xcode project (UE5.xcworkspace file in the project root folder)
  7. Build ShaderCompileWorker/MyMac build (took a few minutes)
  8. Build UE5/MyMac build (took 4.5 hours)
  9. Found UnrealEditor.app in the Engine/Binaries/Mac
  10. Launched Unreal Engine 5.1 (both ShaderCompileWorker and Unreal Editor are running natively now)

To open existing UE5.0 projects, they have to be rebuilt in Xcode

The only problem is that the Unreal Engine project folder size is around 170 GB in total now. It might be a problem for some folks.


In my case, I spend more time on steps 1 and 2. One trick I do is combine those two steps in one by downloading the specific branch directly instead of cloning the main repo and then switching branches.

git clone --branch ue5-main https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git

and this is the most slowing part of my process I tend not to clone a lot; to purge anything and just download the new code; I just force my pull.

git pull --force

Your temps are pretty good. When working on the Editor, I manually set my fans to High because my mac starts getting hot.

and just for comparison, here is an estimate of my build time.

I have a MacBook Pro Max 16" (64GB/4TB)

ShaderCompileWorker (less than 3 minutes)
UE5 (45 minutes)


You may also want to look into a shallow clone maybe. IIRC the syntax for what you are doing here would be something like this:

git clone --single-branch --depth 1 --branch ue5-main https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git

--single-branch > makes subsequent fetches and pulls more efficient

--depth > prevents downloading a lot of history for each file, which drastically cuts down the amount of code downloaded overall.


Do you know where i can find the linux binary?

here: Linux - Unreal Engine

instructions on how to run it:

Thank you @Rspaulino for your quick reply

just to mention (and cross reference this thread) i just posted the issue on https://help.quixel.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6189613685021-Linux-Bridge-Unreal-Engine-5-0-3-node-bifrost-not-found - iā€™ll also wait for them to reply

With that being said, i am already running ue 5.0.3 on ubuntu 22.04, everything is fine. I also compiled the bridge plugin by myself with RunUAT.sh BuildPlugin

Thereā€™s no reference on UnrealEngine github repo ( https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/tree/5.0.3-release/Engine/Plugins/Bridge/ThirdParty) of the file Unreal is looking for when you open Bridge

[2022.08.04-14.19.43:817][404]LogHAL: Error: FUnixPlatformProcess::CreateProc: File does not exist (PATHTOENGINE/Engine/Plugins/Bridge/ThirdParty/Linux/node-bifrost) 

PATHTOENGINE is the location where the engine is installed

and thatā€™s what causing this error and making me unable to use Bridge on linux


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I only use the version I compile from sources right now. which they fix the quixel plugin but it look like they broke it again. I do some workaround but like I mention in those post itā€™s more pain than what itā€™s worth it right now. The whole experience is broken so I try to use metahumans as little as possible till the iron out of a lot of the issues.

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Iā€™ve tried building but generating project files fails because SDK is installed incorrectly. But in Xcode settings I have selected command line tools so it shouldnā€™t be a problem. Im on macOS Ventura so does anyone have it working on it?

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you may have to download Xcode 13.4.x then do a ā€œsudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developerā€ in the terminal.

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Got it working now. FPS still seems to be around 30 so that hasnā€™t improved much. Launching, compiling and shader compilation seem much faster now with less fan noise and heat.

This is kind of huge to see the entire stack using ARM, including the shader compilers. Any movement on Nanite and Lumen?

I wouldnā€™t say the entire stack. some processes still run using rosetta, and others donā€™t even identify correctly, but in general, yes, they have to make a lot of progress.

I thought Lumen was working maybe Iā€™m wrong. Nanite, I donā€™t think itā€™s working unless Iā€™m not following the instruction properly.

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Whats the latest on this?

Iā€™ve updated to ventura and it broke my c++ projects since Xcode 14 beta is the only version supported by ventura and 13.9.9 is the latest version supported by UE5 5.0.3. If I can install 5.1 from source maybe I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone, improve my shoddy performance and maybe get Xcode working properly again.

Iā€™m actually also curious about where Metal 3 fits into all of thisā€¦ when and how the new APIs will actually be adopted. Presumably it can only help improve performance and compatibility. Maybe iā€™ll start another thread asking about it.


I had the same problem. 5.1 supports Ventura now so I recommend trying it. Performance is much better.

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EOS plugins donā€™t seem to work. Has anyone gotten then working and how?