UE5 for M1 Apple Silicon

Hi Everyone,

Here are a few tips and steps I take for building. I think it might be helpful for some.

I mention before but as I read on this thread might not apply to everybody due to disk space. I keep two copy of the branch because I wasted too much time trying to fix broker commit and at the end I learn my technical expertise isn’t at that level so for my own sanity I clone the repo ue5-main twice and always keep one update, if it break it’s fine because I still got one that is compiling.

Anyways here are the steps I used to compile and unless the commit is broken this steps work all the time for me.

Download latest, Setup and Generate Xcode project:
git pull -f && ./Setup.command && ./GenerateProjectFiles.command

Files I modified for editor and shader native Apple silicon M1 (normally I only do this once, git pull doesn’t override them):

Line 106: dotnet Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool/UnrealBuildTool.dll ShaderCompileWorker Mac Development -architecture=arm64

Line 48: return AppleArchitecture;

Line 28: dotnet Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool/UnrealBuildTool.dll ShaderCompileWorker Mac Development -architecture=arm64

And this last step build the shader and Editor in one step:
./Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/Build.sh UnrealEditor Mac Development -buildscw -architecture=arm64 -verbose

hope this is helpful