I’ve download the public version of UE5 and can’t get it to run on my machine. It crashes after launch with a blank project giving me the GPU error D3D. There’s a few things that don’t add up as to it being hardware issue. I have 4.27 and the UE5 Early access running for months fine. I did all the upgrades launcher and app (also uninstalled UE5.0 and reinstalled). I’ve tried several versions of my nvidia drivers and still crashing. The other reason I would find it hard to point it to hardware is this computer is because it’s a two month old very large build:
AMD Threadripper PRO WRX80 3.5GHz 32 core 280W
8 x DDR4-3200 32GB ECC
2 x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 24GB Open Air
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 NVLink Bridge 4-Slot
We ran some benchmark test on it via Octane and other 3D apps and everything is working as expected. I’ve also included the crash log.
crash_report.txt (104.7 KB)
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Have you tried turning off MSAA in the NVIDIA driver?
After that try turning off Ambient Occlusion. Only two issues I know of other than using the latest studio drivers.
Good luck
Try to underclock your GPU.Check this!(UE5 Preview 1 crashes gpu. DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG - #11 by KlausT)
Thank you for both of your suggestions! I have tried to underclock and did try turning off MSAA, and no luck so far. I’m starting to see a few more suggestions that is leading me down the path of an Nvidia RTX3090 issue. Two considerations. I also have another machine with an RTX2060 and it’s running 5.0 as well as other people that have various GPU’s and no issue. I’ve also tried a several different drivers as well as a clean sweep with the DDU. I feel like the 3090 has become a pretty popular GPU so there has to be others out there with the same issue. I’m trying to reach out to Nvidia about the issue, and if it is a drive then hopefully there will be an update.
Finally got UE5 to launch! I was pointed to this fix on github in reference to an issue with the RTX3000 series. https://github.com/dyanikoglu/UnrealEngine/commit/6b6f4f77363865fb818df642e64a5522f5ed624d
Make sure you don’t upgrade your GPU driver to the latest. I found this fix only worked with 511.79