ue5 crash on startup

every time i open my project, it crashes. all i was doing before it started happening was opening the game. the only fix i have found was making a new project and then moving over the content but now that doesnt even work cause the editor crashes when i open any blueprint. the only clone of the project i made was 2 hours ago but somehow that project also crashes on startup. i have tried every fix i could find. nvidia global settings to default, deleting intermediate and saved. anything i could find. nothing. please help, its getting really annoying having to deal with this every single day. i have gotten like 6 different crash logs but here is the most recent crash log: log - Pastebin.com

Greetings @stormstudios111

I’m sorry to hear that you’re running into crashes like that. I’ve saw the error you’re having quite a few times. It’s usually an indicator of an issue regarding the GPU. Most cases I recommend starting by updating the drivers, if you haven’t. If the issue still persists, I’d try completely uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling them clean. (Some users use tools such as DDU to do so. But, I can’t really recommend anything as it’s not official Epic Software. But, that general type of tool is usually helpful) I’d also try disabling Ray Tracing, if you have it on and see if that prevents the crashing. Let me know how the tests go. Thanks!

ive already used ddu and gotten new drivers and ray tracing isnt on

I see. Do you have this issue with other projects or is it just with this specific one? Also, does this occur on other versions of Unreal Engine?

i think its just this one and i dont know if its on other versions but i would assume it is

i dont know how i would test if it happens on other projects but i just tested it on an older version and it opened but all my blueprints are gone

You’d have to ensure everything you’re using is compatible with an older version to test it there. In regards to it only happening with this one specific project, are you using any plugins, by chance? If you are, I’d consider disabling them one at a time and testing and see if the issue is being caused by one of those individually.

im not using a single plugin

Having a similar issue with my project crashing on startup. It was working perfectly before 25.20 and after updating, with no changes to the project, it just started crashing on startup for everyone with gtx graphics cards.

its also on rtx cards, i have an rtx 2060

Thank you for this info was considering upgrading my gpu just to see if that would fix the issue after trying just about every other thing i could think of.

Okay after an great amount of trial and error working with another person, we finally found what caused the issue for us.

It was all caused by this tree that we had a single instance of. Best guess is the shader is causing issues on certain graphics cards.

i dont have any objects with shaders like that, and how did you get to it if your project crashes on startup?

Sorry i think this is an unrelated problem, looking properly at your log it seems to differ from the problem we were having.
Our issue was only present on some systems. We would have the people with working versions make changes and test the changes on the systems with crashes

update: i made a copy of the project and deleted the megascans folder and all of my blueprint structures and the project finally opens. i dont know which one did it but both of them are very important so what should i do?? the megascans are very important cause i cant make alot of assets and i already have a whole map built with them and the data structures are very important because i use them in alot of places and it would take forever to get them back but my project might crash on startup again if i make them again.

If you dont want to debug any code, you could try deleting smaller and smaller portions of the assets until you figure out exactly what is causing the issue.

i narrowed it down to this one structure for the player profiles so i deleted it and it all opened but when i tried to remake it, i played the game and it started crashing on startup again. wtf is going on??

Hmm if you can give me more information about the struct i will try to take a look at it. The obvious answer would be that the struct is somehow causing the crash.

more information like what? all it is, is like 7 variables of things for the player (name, model, xp, etc) and its used in lots of blueprints to show these variables (like on leaderboards) and change them (like adding xp or changing a name).

Is it made in C++ or in blueprint? Does it use any custom datatypes etc. Sounds like thats not the case.
Sorry but im not prepared to spend the time on this that it seems to require. Good luck debugging your issue.