UE5 ComboBox how to hide background

How does the ComboBox in the UE5 control behave like UE4, with a transparent background?



Hey there @goodriver! All you have to do is go to the button style, choose the styles you want to hide and then change their Draw As type to None and it will not draw them.

Hello, your approach is hidden. What I want is an alpha background

In the same menu, you would just go to the tint color, and reduce the Alpha if you want some transparency. The menu’s border itself is lower on the list, but you would follow the same method.

Thank you for your reply. What I need is Alpha in the options.

Ahhhhh I see where the issue is. It doesn’t look like the style for the background are exposed outside of slate based on a post from a while back.

It doesn’t look like that’s changed since then. It looks like the recommendation most people use is to create a new widget type for them.

Have this bugs been fixed?