(See All Tutorials)
How To Build Plugins for UE Marketplace Distribution
Create a directory within your project called PluginStaging, this is important, because the RunUAT batch file will
the contents of whatever directory you pick to send your plugin to after it is built, so make sure the folder is empty!
Create a file named something like “Clang_5.bat” or "BuildUE5Plugin.bat"within YourProject/PluginStaging
Use windows 10 options to expose file extensions if you cannot rename the file to .bat
Open the file with text editor and set its contents to be this:
@echo ~~~ Dont run this in your project dir, IT DELETES EVERYTHING IN ITS PATH ~~~
@echo ~~~ Also make sure you are using the correct Engine version for RunUAT for your project ~~~
@echo ~~~ Enjoy! -Rama ~~~
"E:\UE4Engine\UE_5.0EA\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat" BuildPlugin -Plugin="E:\Unreal Projects\Sun5\Plugins\VictoryBPLibrary\VictoryBPLibrary.uplugin" -Package="%CD%\Output5.1" -Rocket
- Right click the PluginStaging folder while holding down Left Shift to expose option to open PowerShell cmd prompt:
- Start to type the name of your .bat file and press TAB so it auto completes, adding the necessary .\
- If you see something like this:
Then install this:
- If your build fails without a reason, make sure you are only building for your supported platforms, inside of your .uplugin file:
"Modules": [
"Name": "VictoryBPLibrary",
"Type": "Runtime",
"LoadingPhase": "PreLoadingScreen",
"WhitelistPlatforms" :
- After compilation finishes, your final packaged plugin, ready for Marketplace or distribution to your friends, colleagues, and community members, will be found in YourProject/PluginStaging/Output5.1