[UE5] Bug Report on Animation Retargeting

Hi, I’m using UE5’s Brand new “IK Retargeter” Tools to Retargeting Animation from a skeletal mesh to another, It’s good for a while, The previews are fine and Export animation are also funcional.

But when i create a new Retargeting Pose and use it to adjust the diffrences between two skeletons, Some weird things happened. I’m rotating bones and bones to make the retargeting more accurate, It’s fine at first, But after many rotate (about 50 or 60), The next rotate operate will cause a bug, The engine stuck for a liitle, Then you can see the bones your selected and its child jitter a little – without and before you actually rotate it.

When this thing happened, This Retargeting Pose is broken and useless, You cannot longer use it to export retargeted animation because every time you do this engine will crash. If you continue Rotate those error bones, Those bones will stretch your mesh more and more outrageous every time you begin a new rotate. Sometimes The Rotate Tool are crash too and unable to show the axis.

This issue not just happen to this specific skeleton mesh asset, I tested about 10 meshes, It’s always happen the same way.

Does anyone got same problem like me or just i miss up something?

Here’s the crime scene below.



I have a similar problem when exporting animations, it looks like some rotations goes rouge and they are not normalised:

Assertion failed: Atom1.IsRotationNormalized()



I have the same error. Very frustrating! I’m trying to retarget some xsens mocap to a metahuman.

Guess I’ll need to do the retargeting in UE4.27 then just move the FBX over to UE5 afterwards.


Yep we are retargeting xsens to metahuman and character creator, just a long stream of crashes…


I thought maybe the metahuman is the problem so I tried the Mannequin that comes with the UE 3rd person project. Crashes at the same point with the same error!


I’m experiencing a similar issue. After adjusting the pose every anim export (or anim modification via Additive Layer Tracks) will cause an error in [UE_5.0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimSequence.cpp]: check(OutPose.IsNormalized());


We’re also getting this issue when exporting animations.

Assertion failed: Atom1.IsRotationNormalized()



I am facing the same issue. Crash on save after creating retargeted animations.

// Check that all bone atoms coming from animation are normalized
check( Atom1.IsRotationNormalized() );
check( Atom2.IsRotationNormalized() );

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Assertion failed: Atom1.IsRotationNormalized()


I’m dealing with this exact issue. Trying to retarget a list of ~15 animations. Even when selecting one at a time I get this crash, but the frustrating thing is that it’s not even a consistent crash; around one in three attempts work, meaning I had to relaunch the engine dozens of times to get through the list. And there’s still one animation that crashes every time and refuses to retarget, even though it plays perfectly in the retarget preview.

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Issue persists and has completely disrupted progress on my project. Sometimes the CustomRetargetPose survives nearly 30 adjustments before breaking. Sometimes it breaks after only 10. It is NOT project specific and happens on any/every skeleton. Very surprised that this issue isn’t being more commonly discussed, because it’s a rather essential part of any retargeting process.

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Yes I’m getting the issue too. What is worse is that it crashes every time I try to export an animation through the right click menu.

I am unable to export a retargeted animation to a file to reimport it so I’ve wasted 2 weeks trying to find a workaround to replace existing animations on a character which seems like a really basic thing that I can’t figure out yet.


The Engine has updated to 5.0.3 and problem still there. Clearly a engine issue.
I reported this as bug to unreal team but there is no feedback now. Anyone have ideas?

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Hey everyone, been facing the same issue for a couple of hours as well.

I needed to export my animations after retargetting a mixamo skeleton to my metahuman.

Exported the animations, different animations and UE5 always crashed.

How it was solved:
Just saved the exported animation into a different / new folder in hierarchy (albeit I had to try different ones) and it worked fine. Honnestly dont know why but thought this might help.

  • N
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I removed virtual bones from target skeleton and then was able to export retargeted animations.

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Hi, i’m getting the exact same error upon exporting my retargeted animations. no virtual bones or anything. all i have to do to make it crash is to edit my target skeleton. were you able to have this fixed? using UE5.1.0

“The crime scene”. Haha it sure is.

The whole revamped retarget system looks and sounds good but man it doesn’t work as seemlessley as one would think.
I’m afraid I can’t help you either, I have a somewhat related post:

I’m close to going back to stable UE4 and forgetting all of this fancy ■■■■ (which doesn’t work).

Good luck hope you figure it out.

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Engine updated to 5.2 and problem still exist, think this sure gonna be some engine issue, is any Epic dev guys here? It’s really annoying this function not working fine and stable. Still don’t even know how to avoid it or how it’s break.
You can retargeting animation with some tricks upstairs, or just have another UE4 project to only do the retargeting work, But hey, shouldn’t this function be a better solution for animation adjustment? It’s really good when it works. Hope devs can fix this sometime.

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Now September. Been over 18 months and still not fixed. :frowning:

Bump. Now December and still not fixed in 5.2.1

2 years have passed but still same error in 5.4.1 . God save us

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