Any animation using the UE4 Skeleton that I retarget using the UE4 - UE5 manny retargeter floats above the ground.
Even the one UE4 animation that comes with a clean Third Person project (a jog anim with a rifle). When retargeted, it floats.
The same is true for any of my Marketplace animations I’ve tried to retarget.
I’ve done the same steps in 5.0 and 5.1 not a single UE4 animation is on the ground.
I’ve tried to reimport skeleton, new chain mapping, moving ik bones, adding virtual bones, turning off control rig, changing control rig alpha, creating new rigs/retargeter, unchecking auto align to floor and adding a curve for the root in each annitmation.
Note: When I retarget the animation, it is flush to the floor when viewed in the animation but then in-game, it is above ground.
The UE4 Mannequin that comes in the fresh ThirdPerson project is also not on the floor.
Surely it shouldn’t be this difficult? What am I missing?
Do you have this issue?
Thanks in advance from a man with almost no hair left… partly to age but mostly because of this!
UPDATE: I’m seeing this on all the SHAM UE tuorial videos. They go through the process and everytime their player is above the ground, no one mentions it?