UE5 breaks the preview window of the Material Editor if Ray Traced Skylight is enabled

Ok, so my Material Editor’s preview window became corrupted some days ago and basically the “ground level” was pitch black, no matter what I did. However, after much debugging, I finally found the culprit: it’s because I enabled Ray Traced Skylight. BUT I have no idea why this happens, nor do I know how to fix it (apart from disabling it, duh… :upside_down_face:). BUT what if someone really needs/wants a ray traced skylight without completely messing up his preview window in the Material Editor? It’s really frustrating, as it prevents you from properly constructing your material’s visual appearance if the ground is always black. In typical fashion, I did a YouTube video explaining it all:

Any explanation or suggestion on how to make these 2 things work together?
Thanks so much!!!

I have the same issue since i started using ue5.1 and know some other people that have it too. I found the same workaround with the skylight (can’t really call it a solution) but would love to know if there’s a real fix for this.