UE5 and missing performant occlusion culling - is the fix coming soon?

You need NDK 25 for Android.
If you go to Engine\Extras\Android and run SetupAndroid.bat, it will install ndk 25 for you.

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why would I need ndk 25? I’ve been compiling with ndk 21, min sdk 31, and target sdk 32 on 5.1.1 for a while now.

I switched to ndk 25 and got a build launching. It only rendered in one eye as a + shape (corners of the image were black) and culling was not working for me in this test scene.

Would you mind sending a working apk showing that it works for you? It could be something about my set up.

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Sound like an issue on your project, just try a simple build with the Default VR template and it should work without a problem.
Also like in Unreal 4.27.2 when you use software occlusion , you need to specify each static mesh to use LOD 0, default is -1 which do not activate software occlusion on the mesh.


Android Support for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 DocumentationCurrent SDK Requirements

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I didn’t know about this. That’s pretty weird.

5.2 Meta fork is out and I am wondering maybe you could make a clean patch for software occlusion culling only, that can be applied to Meta’s fork 5.2 and newer ? Please :blush:


Thanks a bunch!

Yes there is still a need for this plugin.
This is the ‘Soft Occlusions’ Oculus implement pertaining to Mixed Reality using the Depth API.


The plugin doesnt work in ue 5.2. Should i downgrade to 5.1 for this plugin to work. That would be painful.
One more problem. I notice physic constraint doesnt work properly when i move my project to ue5.
I know because ue4 use PhysX and ue5 use chaos physic.
But my vr game is physic game, so many physic just mess up when i move to ue5. There are any solution for that

these are entirely different things. Software Occlusion Culling is for VR and what you posted is for MR. This thread is for the former, which has nothing to do with latter.


I know. I was pointing out the same thing to a now deleted post.

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It would be amazing if you ported it to 5.3.2+ and shared it with the world :sweat_smile:


So, what’s the point of bragging about it if you can’t release it AND you already have a job doing this? Just to infuriate the rest of us off? Unbelievable :man_facepalming: