UE5.5 Global Shader : SvPositionToTranslatedWorld not work

Unreal Engine Version 5.5

I am developing a global shader injected into the beginning of PostProcess phase in rendering pipeline.

In /Engine/Shaders/Common.usf, there are three methods

  • SvPositionToScreenPosition
  • SvPositionToTranslatedWorld
  • SvPositionToResolvedTranslatedWorld
void MainPS( float4 SvPosition : SV_POSITION, out float4 OutColor : SV_Target0)
    //float4 ScreenPos = SvPositionToScreenPosition(SvPosition); // [-1, 1]
    float3 WorldPos = SvPositionToTranslatedWorld(SvPosition);

    if (isnan(WorldPos.x) || isinf(WorldPos.y))
        OutColor = float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Red indicates invalid values
        OutColor = float4(WorldPos.x / 100000, WorldPos.y / 100000, WorldPos.z / 100000, 1.0);

From my test, SvPositionToScreenPosition works fine, while SvPositionToTranslatedWorld and SvPositionToResolvedTranslatedWorld produce invalid values. I can see the whole screen is red.

By looking in the source code of SvPositionToTranslatedWorld, it internally depends on View

// Used for post process shaders which don't need to resolve the view	
float3 SvPositionToTranslatedWorld(float4 SvPosition)
	float4 HomWorldPos = mul(float4(SvPosition.xyz, 1), View.SVPositionToTranslatedWorld);

	return HomWorldPos.xyz / HomWorldPos.w;

So I added View in the shader, and set it with InView.ViewUniformBuffer as below. That does not work.

class FOcclusionFreeShaderPS : public FGlobalShader {
    DECLARE_SHADER_TYPE(FOcclusionFreeShaderPS, Global, );
    SHADER_USE_PARAMETER_STRUCT(FOcclusionFreeShaderPS, FGlobalShader);

        SHADER_PARAMETER_STRUCT_REF(FViewUniformShaderParameters, View)
        SHADER_PARAMETER_RDG_TEXTURE(Texture2D, InputTexture)
	    SHADER_PARAMETER_SAMPLER(SamplerState, InputSampler)

void FSplitSceneViewExtension::PrePostProcessPass_RenderThread(FRDGBuilder& GraphBuilder, const FSceneView& InView, const FPostProcessingInputs& Inputs)
	if( InView.PlayerIndex == 0 )
		const FIntRect ViewPort = static_cast<const FViewInfo&>(InView).ViewRect;
		FGlobalShaderMap* GlobalShaderMap = GetGlobalShaderMap(GMaxRHIFeatureLevel);	//GetShader for certain feature level

		RDG_EVENT_SCOPE(GraphBuilder, "OcclusionFree");

		FRHISamplerState* PointClampSampler = TStaticSamplerState<SF_Point, AM_Clamp, AM_Clamp, AM_Clamp>::GetRHI();

		TShaderMapRef<FOcclusionFreeShaderPS> GlobalShaderPS(GlobalShaderMap);
		FOcclusionFreeShaderPS::FParameters* GlobalShaderParameters = GraphBuilder.AllocParameters<FOcclusionFreeShaderPS::FParameters>();

		// ...
		GlobalShaderParameters->View = InView.ViewUniformBuffer;
		GlobalShaderParameters->RenderTargets[0] = FRenderTargetBinding(SceneColor.Texture, ERenderTargetLoadAction::ELoad); //(FRDGTexture, ELoadAction)

		FPixelShaderUtils::AddFullscreenPass( GraphBuilder, GlobalShaderMap, FRDGEventName(TEXT("FOcclusionFreeShaderPS")), GlobalShaderPS, GlobalShaderParameters, ViewPort);

Please where is the problem? how to solve it?

I found the reason, it is because SvPosition .z is not filled correctly, I have to manually set its z from SceneDepth texture. Maybe I am missing something so that the z is not filled in my PS Shader