UE5.5 C++ Transition Guide

Dear Unreal Community,

UE 5.5 is here! Hurray!

Here is a thread where we can discuss the transition to 5.5.

Please post any questions, solutions, or issues you encounter along the way to doing your own upgrade processes!

Victory to You!




I keep getting stuck in an infinite loop with UbaSessionServer just trying to launch my game on Linux.

I have several plugins i need repackaging in 5.5 for marketplace reasons and it’s been a headache.

UATHelper: Package Plugin Task (Windows): UbaSessionServer - Delaying 2 processes from spawning due to memory pressure (Available: 4.0gb Total: 36.4gb)
UATHelper: Package Plugin Task (Windows): UbaSessionServer - NOTE - To mitigate this spawn delay it is recommended to make page file larger until you don’t see these messages again (Or reduce number of max parallel processes)
UATHelper: Package Plugin Task (Windows): UbaSessionServer - Set max page file to a large number (like 128gb). It will not use disk space unless you actually start using that amount of committed memory
UATHelper: Package Plugin Task (Windows): UbaSessionServer - Also note, this is “committed” memory. Not memory in use. So you necessarily don’t need more physical memoryUATHelper: Package Plugin Task (Windows): UbaSessionServer - Delaying 2 processes from spawning due to memory pressure (Available: 4.1gb Total: 36.4gb)

This comes up with literally no quick fix and there is no documentation on how to fix this.
Another issue is VS 2022 cycling between not responding and sluggish for no reason.

That and 5.5 compiling massive amounts of shaders over an empty map.

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For some reasom I got this from auto .gen files:

|Error|C1083|Cannot open include file: ‘h’: No such file or directory

And when I looked inside the .gen files I found wierd: include “h” as one of the header.

Any clue what’s going on? :roll_eyes:

just in case

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Does anyone know how to restart UbaSessionServer? I’ve found that restarting Rider/Unreal doesn’t work, but rebooting the entire computer does work.

Clearly, something lingers outside of Rider/Unreal. Even with 25GB of physical memory free, Unreal suddenly doesn’t have enough memory to compile a small project, but a reboot fixes it.